Nov 19, 2010
Reaction score
Hi everyone,

My mate and I are trying to set up a network game between us, this is the first time either of us will have tried a networking game.

After trying to set up the game, by simply one of us going the 'host' i.e. checking the box "run as server" and the other entering the 'hosts' ip address, without any success, we both downloaded Hemachi.

Through Hemachi we followed on-line advice, we got connect on Hemachi, one again set up a game as the host and the other entered the 'Hosts' Hemachi ip address, however again we became stuck. The hosts Hemachi IP address came up under 'recent servers' on the guest's game screen but we could not select it nor connect to it.

We are really up for a game but it doesnt look possible now. Anyone any ideas or suggestions?

p.s. He is using steam and I am using the game disc.

Thanks alot for any help or advice.