Editing LNC files/changing team name


Jul 13, 2011
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Hello, having searched for "lnc" with no luck (too short or too common, bah!) and other searches yielding mostly unrelated results - or results related to just giving your manager a nickname, here's a new thread with a most puzzling question.

Is there a way to change your team nickname (and second nickname etc., basically names other than the short and long names)?

I am aware that it is entirely possible to change the team name by adding/editing an LNC file and that the changes will take effect in a saved game with no need to start a new game.

However, there seem to be only two variables - SHORT_NAME_CHANGE and LONG_NAME_CHANGE. Their use is obvious.

Is there a similar command for nicknames, six letter names and second nicknames? I have, just for kicks, tried NICKNAME_CHANGE, but the result seems to be a complete name change, i.e. all names of a club. I would hazard a guess that the game recognizes it as a general, overarching NAME_CHANGE of sorts.

Indeed I had somehow managed to combine this approach with the aforementioned known variables - by adding both the 'specific' as well as the 'general' lines to a LNC file - to produce a strange hybrid where the desired nickname (with the NICKNAME_CHANGE line of a LNC file) apparead in the place of both long and short names whereas the short/long (...NAME_CHANGE) was used in the place of a nickname ingame. Which is just an amusing but ultimately useless anecdote.

tl;dr version: how to change team names, all five or six of them.