Recent content by cobrauk

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    playgm StephenHK Tactics FM21

    What skin is this?
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    FM21 (4-3-1-2) @AVIATOR@

    Amazing team! Wow! Who do you play where? I see so many amazing players. Trying to get a grip on who is actually playing :D
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    Columns keep disapeering after resizing others

    This happens to me ALL the time. I make a custom view, I go to make the columns bigger/smaller depending on the info and the last column goes off the screen and I can't get it back. Anyone know why it does this/can I make it stop? Maybe because I'm using a custom skin? < Not custom skin...
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    Tactics and Team Tactical Attributes - Do each affect eachother?

    This is really only for people with the in-game editor or something like FMRTE As the title says, does the Tactical Attributes affect how well the tactic (normally downloaded from here or elsewhere) works? Like here with Manutd, they have high Attacking and Width, so using a fancy/fast/wide...
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    Custom Views - Bugging out

    Everytime I resize a column, it just goes HUGE and then I can't drag any over from the right hand side of it. Anyone know how to fix this or why it does it?
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    Central Midfield - Automatic role [Explanation]

    It's in the title. Can someone explain how it works? Does the player do all 3 roles? or what? I don't understand. ^.^ sorry for small thread :X
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    Help With Graphics

    I changed my Save Game Location to my bigger HDD, now I can't use any of my skins/faces/logos etc :S I'm pretty sure those settings are right to view the graphics. There's my files (again in the same place they've always been) What am I doing wrong??
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    Moving files/folders from Boot drive to another?

    Hey guys. So as the title says, I'm running low on HDD space on my boot drive, and I want to move all my FM12/FM13 files from there, to my bigger 1TB "Data drive". Is this possible? Or will it just ****** everything up? 19.1GB of Faces/tacs/logo's etc. Cheers in advanced if anyone can help me :)