Recent content by CookieMaker

  1. C

    Barcelona - Hair-Raising " Shooting Machine " ===> Possession Football

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Barcelona 2006-2013 The current side is simply one of the best that the game has ever seen. They play breathtaking possession-based on attacking football - movement and great technique, leaving...
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    Liverpool 1977-1985 - The Famous ' Boot Room '

    -------------------------------------- Liverpool 1977-1985 Coach: Bob Paisley, Joe Fagan Achievements: European Cup 1977, 78, 81, 84; Finalists 85 Key Players: Keegan, Dalglish, Hughes, Souness, Hansen, Rush Star Player: Dalglish The Liverpool 'Boot Room' created an impressively...
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    FC Bayern Munich - The Art of Counter-Attacking

    - CookieMaker Strikes Again ( High pressure & Counter-Attack Football ) Let the Show Begin Quick & wide and hit the oppossition in Counter Bayern Munich are the best Counter-Attacking team in Europe -Ronaldo & Ozil are among the best on the counter - Montpellier are one of the best on...
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    Best Formation 4 - High pressure & Counter-Attack Football

    Hey guys im looking for strongest Formation for High pressure & Counter-Attack Football , ive recently using High pressure & Counter-Attack Football 4-3-3 (1-2-3-2-3)...
  5. C

    I Crushed BARCA AWAY 2-5 - Lots of CCC'S and Goals . I double dare you to try this !

    Hi every1 , I'm CookieMaker (H) , I have played the FM series since 2008, and have become very addicted to it. This is my first time uploading a tactic to share it . I'll stop introducing myself because my English isn't my native language and I'm afraid you'll laugh at me at the end with...