Recent content by LazyBoySC

  1. L

    Genuinely Struggling :(

    Ladyboys & Ladygirls, This isn't me moaning, trust me, more like pleading on hands & knee's for help with tactics in this game. I recently bit the bullet & downloaded two tactics from the few currently in 'Download an FM2014 Tactic' page, because I personally have struggled with creating one...
  2. L


    Before I start, I'm not moaning about the Beta, I'm not complaining the game is not broken in anyway, shape or form. Right, so I'm Chelsea right? I buy in Shawcross, Rodrigo and Gotze whilst playing 4-2-3-1; Cech Azepeculiar - Luiz - Terry - Cole Mikel (BWM) - Ramires (BBM) Gotze (AP)-...