Recent content by RaulHH

  1. R

    Re-Arrange Colour Scheme in the Header

    As the title suggests does anyone know a way to re-arrange the colour scheme in the header without having to go in editor and start a new game?
  2. R

    Save Game Error

    So basically everytime the game does an auto-save or I save I get this error. Does anyone know whats the problem?
  3. R

    Not sure how to name this

    so basically it seems like FM can't really read my computer specs and rates them low at half a star at Computer Performance when I am selecting a new game. My specs are AMD Athlon II X3 at 3.00 Ghz, 4.00 GB DDR 3, 512 MB DDR5.
  4. R

    Can't See Full Team Talk Menu

    Hey, I downloaded Steklo (note that I get same thing at Flex skin also) and I can't see my input to the players so basically I can't set individual instructions.