Cyberpunk 2077


Jul 14, 2010
Reaction score
Hello. I've just pre-ordered myself a copy of the game, a game I've been looking for for past 3 or 4 years now. Anyone else is planning on buying it?

And it's available for pre-load. Its around 60GB.
Hello. I've just pre-ordered myself a copy of the game, a game I've been looking for for past 3 or 4 years now. Anyone else is planning on buying it?


Whats it like mate?
Whats it like mate?
Full of little glitches. But nothing gamebreaking, so far. Had to reload few times because some quests didn't pop up as they should.
It's a fun game, but I don't feel invested in it as I was in The Witcher 3. Story is decent, Keanu Reaves factor fades away after few hours and doing side quests doesn't seem like fun. You just run around the city and do different stuff. There are a lot of stuff to do, but it's repetitive. I'm 20 hours into the game and had only 2 non-tedious side quests where the story exits. Every other ( and there's been a lot of them! mind, you don't have to do them but it's good early on as they are not difficult but provide decent $$$ and exp. ) was you getting called from your quest giver aka "fixer" and you swoop in, kill bad guys and thats it. But then again, those are your regular critters who are there as a filler.

All in all, for a 60e, I expected more. It might be worth when it drops below 40e.
Ive actually really enjoyed it so far. Its been the first game where I have actively enjoyed and searched out the side quests lol. Im 33 hours in, and yes there are lots of little bugs, but with most games nowadays coming out in "beta" im used to this kinda thing and doesnt bother me
I'm having a great time with this game. The bugs are mostly just niggly little things.
I totally agree with you. When the game was in development it was so anticipated, everyone was talking about it on every corner and I was no exception. I thought it would blow up the world, but unfortunately I had a lot of negative experiences when it came out and I downloaded it from the pirate bay. The game was terribly slow at certain points, the structures were broken and there were times when a character would fall into an abyss for no clear reason and yes, all that has now been fixed after some time thanks to updates, but it no longer has that wow effect that it had when it was released
I still play it now and then because I like it.