
Aug 5, 2011
Reaction score
I am starting a new season with Arsenal.

New Signings: Fabio Coentrao, Lars Bender

-----------------Lars Bender--------------
------------Ramsey(dlp)---Wilshere (AP)
--walcott(winger)-----------Cazorla (inside forward)--
--------------------Ozil(false 9)-----------------------

I have no idea if this will work, but I'm going to give it a shot. My long term targets are Marco Reus and Cesc Fabregas and I'm going to cut out the dead weight and sell Podolski most likely.
How is Bender looking so far? Was thinking of signing him when I start my Arsenal save in the next few days.

As far as I can tell, playing him right behind two MCs, leaves the team without an ACM position where I guess Ozil is much more prolific than playing as a false 9? How is that working for you?

By the way, here's another thread about Arsenal. Sounds to me like a good idea if everyone with an arsenal save joins the discussion there to ask questions and share game experience.

Bender stat wise looks great ive tried signing him in two different transfer windows but ive had no luck they always want 30-34 mil for him but his brother on the other hand goes for around 18mil.
30mil+ sounds too much, yes.
Maybe I will look for a cheaper youngster that can play immediately
Who are you playing as a DM now?
I actually tried that same formation in my Arsenal save till Ozil got injured, played him as a Treq upfront tho & did quite well, 3 goals & 5 assists in 6 games before injury.

Now playing Vela there (as Giroud is injured also) & he is on fire, lol
****, just remembered, I read somewhere you can bring Vela back to Arsenal for a relatively small fee, is that true?
And from what you're saying he is not that bad eh?

Who do you play at LB and RB? Is Monreal really that good?
If you retrain him to play ST I reckon he'd be quite good as a false 9, altho don't quote me on that as this FM seems very hit & miss at times, haha!

I play Gibbs LB atm, done ok for me, Monreal is a decent back up but will be going after Luke Shaw on the full release. Vela I got for 3.4m buy back clause, which in turn only costs you 1.7m due to a 50% sell on fee clause as well (which I never know about till I got him back), win win for me!

He covers AMR & ST for me, AMC if I switch to 4-2-3-1, so well worth it!

I got Balanta for 7.5m too, as cover for CB, recommend him if you need another CB, really good & only 20!
Thanks for the info, mate!

Yep, Balanta is a priority for sure.
Was thinking of buying a DM to play right behind the sole CM in a 4-1-1-3-1 formation, probably Arteta, Ramsey or Wilshere.
You have any defending issues playing two CMs?
Just the usual stuff you see on a beta, concede from crosses, CB's not tackling, etc etc....should be better when the full release is out! (I hope, lol).

I use Flamini, Arteta & Ramsey/Wilshere as my 3 in the middle, also chuck in Rosicky from time to time (who, btw, is pretty **** useful this year, haha!). Not had any real problems with them yet, only half way through 1st season tho so some thing is bound to go wrong I reckon. Frimpong has been decent for me covering Flamini as well, but will defo go after a new DM either in full release or next season, which ever comes 1st!

Came really close to signing Diame for his 3.5m release clause but the fact he wanted 70k a week put me off!
I was thinking of selling Rosicky but I guess he can fill a lot of positions in the midfield as a back-up.
What's going on with Podolski by the way?

Talking about DMs, have you checked George Thorne from West Brom? Not really ready for Arsenal first team but still, he is 20 years old, he costs around 2,5 mil and looks like he can improve a lot.
Podolski I loaned to Liverpool (couldn't sell him) just didn't fit in my plans!

As for Thorne, i'm a Baggies fan so know all about the lad, lol. If not for injuries IRL the lad would be so much better, still turns out decent on FM tho.

Rosicky is coming in very handy for me, what with Arteta, Wilshere & Ozil out injured he's done more than ok, assisted all 3 goals in my last match from CM!
I started a new season with Arsenal (was unhappy with a signing on made and just felt like I was rushing) anyways, I think my approach is going to build up my offense, and get rid of the extra weight and then build up my defense as the I progress. Immediate concerns are a back up DM. Fellaini is older so a young backup with high potential is someone I will look to sign(Lars bender, any other suggestions?). this allows me to play Arteta as a Deep lying playmaker. Wilshere will be the starting advanced playmaker and I think the best option is to sign a more experienced advanced playmaker that will split the time with Wilshere. The other option is too train Gnarby there although he may be more suitable as a winger though I haven't check his stats. I play my wings as Inside Forwards and walcott is utterly useless, often getting himself trapped out wide before losing possession.

Dm: Fellaini, Lars Bender?

AP: Wilshere, Gnarby?

DLP: ramsey, arteta

IF: Santi Cazorla (he is decent as an inside forward, his low finishing hurts)
my prime target for the AML inside forward is Marco Reus, however I believe it is going to take a successful season to convince him to come.
Retraining Podolski to AMR is a good move as he has high finishing and will cut inside and score. Oxlade Chamberlain is young so I will most likely go with him as the other AMR (can use both feet) but if it doesn't work I will sell him on as well.

False nine- Ozil. Giroud is not terrible as a false nine, but he is better suited as a target man. I would like to sell him and resign Cesc Fabregas(may be difficult) or Lewandowski.
Hey Isamped, did you sign Bender again? Solid? And how's Wilshere for you? Is he as good a CM as playing ACM?