
Jul 27, 2011
Reaction score
I just moved from Spurs to Barca in my 4th season, all is fine at Barca, we are set to win the league and spanish cup, but Iniesta keeps coming in at FT with persistently low ratings? Anyone know how I can get him to play well ?! :)
aging player, or just doesn't play well. ? chat with him about this performance.
Hmm he is only 30, and I have spoken to him several times, perhaps this has upset him. I doubt it is his age that is the problem, he is on the 'legends' section on the Barcelona info page, and before I joined he was averaging 8.3 for a whole season! With me he does not score or set up any, and gets ratings of 6.7...poor :/
unfortunately the fans love him so much, so it wouldn't go down well with them lol. I will stop playing him as much and play pastore and paulo henrique in the centre of the park instead :) 2 mean signings right there
I play him at CM, he is 'accomplished' in this role, although his natural position is AMC. In his personal details he is described as 'midfield playmaker' so when I play him, I give him the playmaker role with lots of creative freedom. I would play him in the AMC role, but my formation is 4-2-2-2 with 2 wingers (hazard and messi) and 2 CM (iniesta/pastore/henrique)

We still win nearly all our games but everyone else gets ratings of around 8 and Iniesta has okay morale and very average ratings, and for a player who is supposed to be in his prime (30) and with amazing attributes, i would expect more from him tbh.
I wouldn't really worry about it, not like he's getting lower than a 6.
You're winning games so he's either not used to playing how you're playing him or is just doing a lot less than everyone else during the games.
Barce aren't really set up for anything else then a 4-3-3, which is what the AI will have been playing. I'd go 4-2-3-1, with Iniesta in the hole, and your two wingers. He's best up the pitch.
change his role, talk with him about his performance?