Apple iPhone FM2011 App - Data same as PC version?


Aug 8, 2011
Reaction score
I just wanted to know if the data on the PC version i.e. players etc.. is the same on the iphone version?
No, the PC version has a much larger and more detailed database.
Yes and no ....

To explain it shares the same 'base' database, but doesn't display all the data in the same manner that the PC game does, that is where the PC game displays Pace and Acceleration the handheld game displays just 'Pace' which is a merge of the two fields for display purposes because a lot of handheld devices have very limited screen space.

Secondly there are somewhat fewer players in the overall player database than on the FM PC one (rather expected if you think of the difference in power between your average iTouch and a modern PC ;) ) ... which isn't to say there isn't a decent range of players available.

To put things in perspective - there are more players active with a single league loaded in FMHi than there would have been playing one of our earlier management games (with Small Database setting) on a PC a few years ago.

Hope this helps,

PS - One other thing worth mentioning is that the data displaying on FMH is done slightly differently than on FM PC, its adjusted a little more heavily by performance/speculation and so attributes rise and fall a little more than on the FM PC (esp. for younger & less well known players) ... this simulates the hype players might receive irl and is intended to make it a little harder to spot hot young players and suchlike (ie. he might look good simply because he's on a hot spell at present, but not be quite so stellar the rest of the time etc.).
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