

Oct 9, 2010
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I just turned 24, I have the face of an 18 year old (it runs in the family, on both sides they look very young and age well), I can't grow decent facial hair...and I'm going bald. I always had a very high hairline, like my father, and I always thought since he still has a full head of hair at 64 this wouldn't be an issue. Well, I should have known something was up when I'd constantly have hair fall out when I showered (thought it was natural). I guess I didn't pay close attention the last time I had short hair (about 3 months ago). The other day my friend said I was balding and I thought he was wrong, that maybe it was just my hairline. Well I got a very short haircut three days ago and I'm completely ******* bald. The hairline has receded a LOT on the sides, especially on the right side, making it appear lopsided. The hair all on my hairline, especially in the middle where it juts out, is very visibly thin, and I have lone hairs that stick out much farther down my head than the rest of my hairline.

Shaving it isn't an option as I'd look terrible. I'm very tall and skinny and young-looking and would just look awful with a shaved head. My blonde hair is my best physical quality, and my looks are about all I've got. I used to be nervous about going bald early, at age 30 perhaps. But I didn't care too much, as long as I had my 20's with a full head of hair I was fine. But 23/24? Jesus Christ. It's awful. Yes, I know I'm fortunate to have all of my limbs and not grow up starving in Africa. I know I'm whining and everyone hates a whiner. And that you can't get upset about things you have no control over. But it doesn't make me feel any better. I've been so depressed since I discovered this a few days ago, I can't even enjoy anything. I'm sitting here with a ticking clock on having a part of my body. I keep on putting my hand through the bald spots in my hair (which are very obvious) in disbelief. It's like waking up in the middle of a nightmare.

What bothers me is this is really the first thing I've encountered in life that I absolutely have no control over. It always seems like you have control over your life, that if you work hard you can make your own fate. If I get fired, whatever, I can work hard and find a new job. There's always the possibility of a car accident or something but I always drive slowly and carefully to the point where I get made fun of for it. Even physical appearance can be fixed with diet and exercise and good fashion and haircuts. You're supposed to be able to have at least SOME control over your fate. But this? I have zero control over it. It's a senseless part of human evolution that leaves us disfigured. I would not care at all about being completely 100% bald at 45. That's not what I'm worried about. It's that I had braces until I was 19 years old. I went to a tiny universities in the middle of nowhere with some of the worst girls (both in terms of looks and personality) in the country. I've just started my single career and although am a late bloomer was planning on really enjoying it in my 20's, working my *** off in whatever career I find in my 30's, and then marrying in my late thirties. Well now that's over before it really even started. Might as well kiss my youth goodbye since I'm now one of those guys you feel sorry for..."****, look at how young that bald guy is!"

I realize I'm being self-centered, spoiled, and immature, but I can't help it, I just feel awful. I was wondering if there are any other baldies here on the forum (most people here are very young but I know there are a few my age and older)...does anyone know anything about treatment? I did some research but it's so depressing. It's absolutely irreversible and there are few treatment options available. The problem is so simple (too much production of DHT, a hormone that attacks hair folicles), I'm amazed that modern science hasn't figured it out. One of them only works on baldness in the back of the head and not receding hairlines. I'm seriously thinking about hair plugs (Rooney's looked great) but I bet they are so expensive. And I'm a young recent college graduate who can't afford that. I'm seriously thinking of making career choices based around this, maybe even taking out a huge loan or something (everyone's in debt and with our government debasing the dollar, why not?).

I apologize for being pathetic but I just needed to rant. Any words of advice? For those of you with hair, run your hands through it and appreciate what you've got. It could disappear anytime soon.
Looks like you'll have to develop a personality like the rest of us, pretty boy! ;) Maybe ask Joss for help, he's not bald but he's got a stupid chin. I'm sure they overlap a bit.

Seriously though, does it matter that much to you? I realise I can't really talk on the issue, what with my crop of fine hair, but what kind of money would you be willing to spend to put it right with a Rooneyfication?
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That sucks man. PM me if you need someone to talk to.
I used to worry about it but stopped because nothing I can do about it. Besides, some women love a guy with no hair.

You're gonna be a big....bad....slaphead :p
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It's probably a gene that is recessive by your mother and father that is the reason of your baldness. So what I am saying here, is that there ain't much to do. It literally lays in your genes to lose your hair.

Talk to Billy if you're sad about, because it seems like he is into the bald guys. If you're lucky, he even maybe want to turn his cam on just for you.
I found three gray hairs today. I'm only 22. I know your pain!
Duplicate accounts aren't allowed Kris, you should have known better.

Ps. I'll send this stash your way;

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To start with, let it be said thats a lot of writing for a wind up. I'm 25, have a very hot fiancee, and guess am pretty good looking...for now. Thats where the good stuff stops - I feel your pain, I'm rapidly balding, and futhermore have an indentation on the top of my skull so that when I finally do go bald, the top of my head will look like a pair of *****. The missus is worried sick about how the wedding photos will turn out. I was going to finish with a morale phrase to cheer you up about life, but **** it.
Thanks for all the support guys! Am feeling better after a good Simpsons episode. Will talk more tomorrow.
I was born with a high hairline but it hasnt began receding as of yet( im 23 by the way). Doubt it will as my family have thick hair on both sides.
But always look on the bright side... Im ginger, cant be any worse than being bald :p
Man im 15 and everyman in my family is almost completely bald im ******** it! I love my hair almost as i do football!
I know your pain about looking younger than you are. I'm 18 but look 15 lol. It so annoying!
I also know your pain about looking younger. I'm 14 and I look 11 :( Can barley get into a 12A :( . And since I started gelling my hair everyday it does appear to seem thinner at times, may be the gel clumping hairs though ... LOL
You can't possibly know about the pain-until you enter you're thirties and find the Co Op won't serve you ciggies/baccy unless they ask for proof of ID. It's beyond belief. It's happened to loads of people all over the country. Bastards
Went to see inbetweeners today and was relieved they didn't ask for ID since I'm 17 :p would have been ****** I was twice the size of the person serving me :p Maybe talk to people you know that have had balding issues and see what they suggest
You can't possibly know about the pain-until you enter you're thirties and find the Co Op won't serve you ciggies/baccy unless they ask for proof of ID. It's beyond belief. It's happened to loads of people all over the country. Bastards

I hate being ID'd for alcohol when they let me buy petrol fine at the same time. *sigh* >.<

Jak - Inbetweeners is a 15 so you wouldn't be ID'd. ;)

Curtis - Just say you're going through chemo and go for sympathy ***.