Best tactic for current version?


Jul 26, 2010
Reaction score
Whats the best tactic to use? Literally every tactic I have been using for months has just gone terrible.
In this game you have to be very reactive to the situation... no one tactic works for every game. Which is just like real life I suppose.

If you're looking for a magic potion of a tactic then you won't find one. You have to build the tactic to your vision and around your team, making changes for different kind of opponents etc.

I recommend going on to Sports Interactive forums and into the tactics section, there is lots of great informative posts which are stickied.
In this game you have to be very reactive to the situation... no one tactic works for every game. Which is just like real life I suppose.

If you're looking for a magic potion of a tactic then you won't find one. You have to build the tactic to your vision and around your team, making changes for different kind of opponents etc.

I recommend going on to Sports Interactive forums and into the tactics section, there is lots of great informative posts which are stickied.

I'm pretty bad at stuff like this because I'm one of those people that needs instant success or I won't bother haha. Cheers though anyway mate
The last thing you'll achieve on Fm these days is instant success. I'd use SI stickies on pairs and combinations and Guidetofootballmanager is also a good site (just google it) to construct a basis for your team. Formation and style, set the tactic into all three slots and train in tactics and/or team cohesion (if new signings ) during pre season.

And for me that's the best advice you'll get, the game will still **** on you though as it's incredibly unrealistic and a quite a lot of the game is incorrectly labelled. Eg - counter.

I've been trying a 4-2-3-1 denmark - I could never get it working on earlier versions and I'm still having issues now. The advice you'll see is often contradictory and it seems everyone as found different ways to work, but I'm the disgruntled section.

Anyway, hope this repetitive advice helps you some.
The last thing you'll achieve on Fm these days is instant success. I'd use SI stickies on pairs and combinations and Guidetofootballmanager is also a good site (just google it) to construct a basis for your team. Formation and style, set the tactic into all three slots and train in tactics and/or team cohesion (if new signings ) during pre season.

And for me that's the best advice you'll get, the game will still **** on you though as it's incredibly unrealistic and a quite a lot of the game is incorrectly labelled. Eg - counter.

I've been trying a 4-2-3-1 denmark - I could never get it working on earlier versions and I'm still having issues now. The advice you'll see is often contradictory and it seems everyone as found different ways to work, but I'm the disgruntled section.

Anyway, hope this repetitive advice helps you some.

Just had a read of some of the stickies, cheers mate.
Haven't even played a game with my new tactic and I'm getting ****** off already lol
The secret is to create or download a tactic that suits your team ( best players for positions, PPMs and much more), then playing the matches dynamically, changing things during matches, when the tactic seems to break.
When you are a top team is more easy to get success, just keeping high morale and using a balanced tactic, in the other hand playing with underdogs, needs also a balanced tactic, but u must be much more dynamic and have much more patient.
There are no magic tactics, but good / average tactical concepts, that you must adapt to your team ! ;)
I think tactics without wingers that pack central midfield seem to be working best with this patch.
And here's me forcing a denmark on Arsenal, when they have some of the best rated Cam's on the game.

I'll admit, I used to be rerally stubborn on tactics, now it's just formations I have trouble with changing. I used to prefer the 4-1-2-2-1, but went with the denmark because of Ozil. I guess I've be reluctant to try much else and when I have I found going back to playing with an anchor was negative.

I never like the 4-2-3-1 on earlier version, I did get the 4-2-3-1 deep running, but the was with the striker collision hack (I guess is good enough word for it).
Tempted to see how many hours i ve played FM 14 after seeing this picture.

749 hours !!!

...of frustration
you've only played 3 hours and already frustrated? :D
Haha. Unfortunately not. Steam doesn't display the current times when playing offline. I've done about 200 seasons with 140 of them on one save so many hours on it. Game's just ****