Can't progress in CL if I lose my best players.


Sep 8, 2011
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On my panathinaikos save I am progressing into CL every season but I can't actually win it. Realistic you might say but the main problem is not that much the opponents but me, losing my best players every season, because they are unhappy if I don't sell them.

I've been 2 times in the last 16, 1 time in last 8, and 1 time in semis. I would be happy to even reach the final.

The question is, what can I do to potentially keep my best players from the greedy hands of the likes Barcelona, Real Madrid, Man UTD, PSG etc etc.

Should I have them sit on the contract even if they are unhappy about it?
Is there any private chat I can have with the player that might help?
Which attributes affect if I a player will be happy on my side or want to move sooner than later?
What have you done on similar saves, with "lesser" teams and CL glory?

Any input is welcome! I am desperate!
The first basic thing is to tie them down to long term contracts. Then make sure you praise them enough when they do play well. Then if bids come in for them reject them, asking them to sack their agents helps but if the player does approach you to share their concerns do not give in easily. I often promise them to win the league or certain cup in that particular season. If all this fails then i guess its best u sell them for profit. No point having a player who will disrupt your team harmony & will not play to his best if you keep him
I am working on the same thing with Maribor and have managed to keep my players happy. When I sell good players it is not because they are unhappy but because a good big was made on them and a small club like Maribor can't be turning down good money when its available.

I try to build a good relationship with my top players and hope that they fall in love with me and the club by praising them when they have good performances and offering them new contract when they deserve a pay raise instead of waiting until their contract runs out or they grow unhappy.

When players have expressed a desire to move to a bigger club I promise them that I will bring them the success they crave by telling them I will win the league, since I do that every year anyways.

So far I have only made it out of the group stage twice in 6 seasons, losing in one final to Man Utd and first knock out round to Barcelona.
There are various things you can do to prevent your players being unhappy. I like this one the most..

If a team bids on one of your players, re-offer, making the bid ridiculously huge. Don't be reasonable. Then the A.I team will withdraw the bid most times. Most times, this'll prevent the player from asking you to transfer them, or the agent from asking your for an improved contract. When that does happen, however, just tell the player 'The bids we've recieved are nowhere near your true value...' - most times, he'll agree and keep quiet.
If he still persists and requests transfer, you don't necessarily have to accept. Just turn down the request, and continue playing him, he'll eventually relent from being a hack.
same thing with me and lokomotiv moscow, so annoying you'll just have to sell for big money and reinvest and buy players who are ready and not young who use your club as a stepping stone XD