Closest thing to plug and play tactic in fm15?


Sep 8, 2011
Reaction score
I know there isn't much success with plug and play tactics in fm15. The match engine is getting better and better.

However since tactics really bore me, and I am more into buying/selling/developing youth,
I am looking for the closest thing to a relatively successful plug and play tactic.

I tried joss overload, won the double twice but the defense seems horrible. I don't know if its my players or the tactic.

So yes, if there is a quality p&p tactic that you tried, please name it.
With where the M.E. is now, the amount of variables and the polishing of the mechanics so there are not many exploits; Plug and play is more down tot he quality of players you have, not the tactic.

If you're playing with any of the top sides: Bayern, Barcelona, Chelsea, ect; a tactics flaws can be over come by individual brilliane and that is the closet thing to plug & play you can get.

If you're just looking to build youth then a top side would be a good save since you don't have to worry about building the facilities or challenging the existing league giant.
What you said got me thinking. Which is the underdog tactic of 15.3.2 to commit a new save around that tactic...

Underdog is always a lot more fun, than top club!