Jan 16, 2015
Reaction score

I got FM15 not to long ago and im a pretty new FM player. Now i have some "questions" about the tactics.
I cant seem to create a tactic that works like i want it to work, i sit down a good 30-60 minutes and tweak this tweak that and after a while it actually begins to look like i have something. Wide playmaker SHOULD drift in and play the through ball, fullback SHOULD have space on the wing from that, Targetman SHOULD play flicks and simple passing, Poacher SHOULD make runs into the space that the targetman creates etc etc.
What im getting at here is, on paper i seem to have a well worked out tactic but then when its game time my players dont do what i want them to do.
Granted i dont give them allot of time to show me that they can understand me (the tactics dont get to fluid) maybe thats the problem i dont know?
And the guide sites that are out there arent all that helpful honestly, says you must have a defence holder, creator etc but then you find tactics with 4 creators and no defence holder and it works for people.

I know my football, i love the tactical part of it so maybe im thinking to realistic? Maybe there are certain things in the game engine that just makes it not possible to play realistic football?

One more thing, the role descriptions might be confusing me a bit.
When i read a description i try to work out in my head where he would be positioned on the pitch in certain situations
so if i think that he might find himself in the same area as someone else on my team i just scrap the tactic and start over.
This creates a problem for me because sometimes i want to give a player an attacking duty to push him up but i dont
want him to do what the attacking duty for that certain role tells him to do... I hope that makes sense.
Could i be taking the descriptions to seriously?

Anyway id much appreciate an answer, thank you :)
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You'll find weird tactics, no doubt about it. The guides (most anyway) try to convey real-world logic so you'll have a sound tactic all the time, no matter what update or FM version you're playing. Stick to what the guides say for a better understanding of football and tactics.

You'll start seeing movement etc straight from the start, so tweak away to get the shape right, although you'll see more passes missing the target etc when the system isn't fluid yet.

The descriptions should be spot on, for the most part. If you have any questions, about anything, ask away.
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Alrighty thanks for the answer :)

About the fluidity of tactics, how much of a difference does that make? Like if my team dosent understand my tactic at all at first they will understand when its fluid?
That's the point of fluidity. ;)

Will make a difference, but if the tactic is solid, it'll work from the start. Just not as well, obviously. That's why pre-season is so important.
Should I take control of preseason friendlies to make sure my tactics are used? I always ask my assistant to take charge of them
He should use your tactic, but what matters is the match prep training to get your tactic more fluid while playing games that do not matter.
I dont like useing other peoples tactics, it takes away the fun i feel. :)

Here is one of my tactics that i want to use badly because i feel like it should produce some fun football but i dont know if it can actually work or have i over done it?

I have a 5 man defence but i want the complete wing backs to make runs down the wing.

The roaming midfielder i want him to just do whatever he wants basically but mainly i want him to allways be available as a passing option.

The advanced playmaker i supposed to play narrower, move in field to create space for the wing back to run into. Im not quite sure if the advanced playmaker should be on support or attack if i want him to position narrower though...

The inside forward is supposed to run inside somewhere in the space between their central defender and full back. This should again make space for the wing back to run into.

I want the false nine to drop deeper and together with the advanced playmaker and the roaming playmaker create a "triangle" in the middle of the pitch if you will. They are going to be the creativity.

The advanced forward i dont know i feel like it can be whatever, poacher im thinking could be good as well but since iv got a fairly creative forward i feel like AF might be the way to go.

The Instructions are:

Retain Possesion - yeah i want them to be sort of patient but not to the extend where they play like barca.
Pass into space - just pass the ball into space when there is a nice run from the AF or the wing backs.
Play out of defence - play the ball short preferably to the roaming playmaker.
Low crosses - I dont want them to cross just for the sake of it, i want them to cross a low ball to someone who has lost his man with a run into the goal area.
Close down more - yeah just get the ball back fast.
Lower tempo - I dont actually know if i want this on because again i dont want them to play like barca, patient yes but go for more opportunities than barca does.
Be more expressive - Get creative in the attacking area with through balls.

So did i over do it? Is it to complicated for the game engine to work?

PS: dont look at what players iv got necessarily, i do plan on getting better suitable players.
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It might work in attack/possession, but defensively it's a nightmare. You're going to have a RPM vs 2 or 3 midfielders, so they'll dominate the middle. Your AML/AMR won't defend much. That tactic is also not going to Retain Possession. At all. It's going to be chaotic, especially with an Attacking mentality.

Have you actually tried this?
How do you mean they are not going to retain possession? To few players in the middle of the pitch?

I have tried the tactic but only as a test
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Could you give me your opinion on this one as well if you arent to busy? :)

View attachment 308451

I think the midfield is pretty covered in this one right?
Wing backs making runs down the wings, RPM and the AP are both set to "run wide with ball" because id want them to stay a fair distance away from eachother since there is already cover in the middle through the DLP and DM. This should make it so that the wing backs get more of the ball in the opponents half because of the "run wide with ball" mids(the wing backs are closer to them). The false nine dropping into the middle for more passing options. Poacher because i want someone who only focuses on making runs and getting shots of.

I might want to give the DLP defend duty to not overcrowd the middle in attack. I also might change the false nine to a DLF and give him attack duty to get more goalscoring threat.

The instructions are the same except "low crosses", thats "whipped crosses" now.
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Only looking at it quickly, it lacks runners. You only have the Poacher attacking the box regularly. You have 4 creators, creating for... the Poacher. See what I'm getting at? It's very one-dimensional.
Yes i see what you mean good point, what do you think about if i change the false nine to a AF or a DLF with attack duty?
Or i could drop the false nine to AMR and make him a inside forward? Or make him a Raumdeuter? I dont really know what the raumdeuter does but from what i understand he makes allot of runs?
Im thinking these changes should give me more runs?

View attachment 308329

Something like that?
Could also change the AP to IF with support duty to get more shots of but also through balls.
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Try the ideas! The key is to make you think about what you're doing. Think about how your players will move. How they'll drag defenders out of position.

What's the aim of the tactic? Play down the wings? Middle? Possession? Quickly getting it forward?

Who will be the main providers of goals? Who will be the main scorers? How can you help these key players flourish?
Iv tried the tactic in a couple of friendlies and it worked pretty well actually scored a couple of goals, the poacher got 4 goals in 2 games and the wings got a couple as well and they were all open play goals which was nice to see. I actually watched a full game to see what can be changed for the better and now im thinking making the AP into a raumdeuter as well to get even more runs. Im thinking that will make it so that they dont keep possession allot but i dont really want the to do that, in the final third i want them to be heavily focused on finding a run to pass to and open up the defence.

The aim of the tactic is to just makes runs and pass into space basically, in our own half they should keep possession but in the final third just make runs and when the ball is lost close down fast to win it back.

This is a tactic i would use only in home games and away games where we are the better team, againts teams like Bayern i would make a counter tactic.
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