Deep lying playmaker and advanced playmaker in same team


Sep 8, 2010
Reaction score
Hey everyone,

Does anyone know the advantages and disadvantages of having a dlp and ap in the same team?
For example, I have a dlp in cm and an ap in the AM position, so im wondering who my team will primarily pass to?
or will they pass to the dlp first and then focus on passing to the ap after?

Cheers everyone
Play AP in Attack and add Move into channels = GODLY
a good option is a playmakers either side of a BWM mid APL will push towards the CAM position and visa-versa the DLP will connect the DM position whilst your BWM wins the ball and provides these guys with the ball, also as to what player your team will pass to, i am under the impression that your tactics will decide this but i think, if you give them no instruction they will just pass to the best positioned guy
thats a interesting idea rae, i may try that out at the end of the season,
do you think the length of my passing will determine who gets the ball more? so if i do direct passing then it bypasses the dlp and goes right to the ap?
i would imagine that depends on if your playing with a ball playing CB or ST. if your cb are set to pass the ball direct then your DLP would be pretty useless and better replaced by an Anchorman, alsoif your playing with a F9/DF/TM as a striker i would think that your APL would see less of the ball but i haven't tried it to be fair :)