Defenders mistakes??????????


Sep 3, 2009
Reaction score

I need help. I've played FM / CM since about 98, and used to be amazing at it. However the last 3 years, I have struggled with consistency.

After reading TTF, I think I've finally got my head around the new engine.

I play with Arsenal, I play 442.

Which players I have, is of no consequence.

Basically, my team plays great, but I'm finding that my DC's make double the mistakes
in a game than other DC's on other teams.
(concentration levels are not the issue)

I have my DC set up like this, Mentality - 8, short mixed passing, closing down - 8/ 9
rarely on runs etc.

Oh, team is generally on Tempo - 11, and time wasting around 5 or 6.

I think it might be the time wasting is too low...... but not sure..

Any ideas????
Well I never have time wasting as a positive integer but it's odd that that would cause them to make mistakes, unless of course it is their time wasting tactics.
Thanks for response.

So, can I use normal or often time wasting with slighty high tempo???

I've been testing tactics for awhile and I guess I've come to end of my tether with it.


(maybe my D-line is too high? I've got it on the first notch of Push up.
I think it´s related to short passing in long pitches. Or, maybe, they are too distant from the midfielders. How is the midfield mentality set?
Got Veloso on 8 with defenders and Cesc at 11. Veloso rarely runs forward, Cesc mixed. With Nasri and Arshavin as L/R midfielders, on mentality 14 and forward runs often.

Clichy and Sagna are on 11 with mixed forward runs.

I just tried to switch the defnders to direct and it was even worse. team passing was 58 %.

Maybe I need to go shorter???

I need to sort it, I'm going to pull my hair out otherwise and I'm already receeding too much. LOL
where are the mistakes coming from? Missed interceptions, bad passes, not marking a man?

if you are doing short passing with a possession style of play, you may need to put your wingers on mixed runs as well.
Will try this again with a new keyboard (boiling hot coffee+keyboard = dead keyboard).

What is the concentration of the defenders? Might be worth giving them extra tactic training.

What marking are you using? Man marking needs a lot higher concentration than zonal. I also find man marking only really works if you play high closing down so the opponents get rushed and all of there passing options are closely marked. If you play low closing down your man markers can easily get pulled out of position and a guy with pleanty of time on the ball will make you pay.

You might also want to make the d line play a little deeper so there's a bit more space for them when on the ball.
Thanks all, I'll go back to drawing board with this stuff and see how it goes. Thanks again
have they good concentration and anticaption
Fazio and Toure, albeit Toure is'nt the greatest, i know he's better than what i'm getting out of him.
I don´t know if that will work, but you could try this: almost no time wasting, low defensive line, low push up. Also, maybe setting their mentalities a little higher can help - I mean, since they are on short passing, they need a close midfielder to pass the ball. And Preston85 may be right as well - try some zonal marking.
I generally use zonal, i've never had much joy from man marking.

---------- Post added at 11:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:10 PM ----------

i'll do more testing then. thanks all.
Keep the back 4 the same aswell to make them gel and it might help