
Jan 19, 2012
Reaction score
can i take on a national team head coach career as well as a club?
ive gotten a few offers from the US side, and a couple from the UK
dont really want to upset my current club because i raised up an amazing youth system and i dont feel like leaving that
yes you can mate :)

does not affect your club management in anyway whatsoever! if you accept a national job you will be the manager of both at the same time!
sounds awesome
going to try

will it be the same? training, tactics, national scouting pool ETC...
will players be 'swayed' to move to your team club if you play them often?
Yes, it will be the same. I can't remember exactly how national management works regarding training though.
If you give a player his début, you should be put in his favoured personal, which would help when trying to sign him.
1) no training, tactics yes and the national pool to which you can add and remove players at will! the best and easiest way to search for players is going to your normal player search and clicking the box players legible to play for the nation! that way if the players are not in the pool you can select them!

2) yes and no! yes being that there is a chance you can become their favoured personel and that makes it a bit easier for them to join you! no being just because you manage them internationally they will not immediately be swayed or want to join your club :)
how do i
clear private chat messages? its starting to lag
start a relationship (and what are the benefits?), just talking to them and sign a favorite personnel

just a newbie on FM12, but an awesome experience...