
Mar 14, 2010
Reaction score
hi, i was just wondering if any one has got a decent tactic i can use for england, im in my 5th season with spurs n just been offered the england job aswell

How you been getting on with Spurs?? maybe you should just use that!
5 seasons in you wanna look at a tactic to incorporate the likes of, wilshire n huddlestone in CM, Ashley young n Adam johnsons AML as Inside Forwards, lennon or walcott AMR was wingers. Ryan Bertand or cole LB and Johnson RB as wingbacks. I play rooney up front with Agbonglahor works a treat
rather gd with spurs, using 4-3-1-2 and in 4 full seasons i won prem x 2, fa cup x 2, league cup x 2 n community sheild (off the top of my head, may have won the league cup 3 times lol)

at the moment i got, gk - hart, rb - johnson, cb - terry and shawcross, lb - bertand, cm - barry and huddlestone, aml - johnson, amr - walcott, upfront - defoe and derbyshire.

rooney is injured and derbyshire has scored 5 in 4,
a.cole has no club (declines to sign for spurs)

results -
poland 2-1 win (friendly away)
argentina 2-2 (friendly away)
serbia 4-2 loss (quals away)
luxomberg 4-0 win (quals home)

just want know what is the best tactic

and cheers RoTHMaNS, will try that out