
Dec 31, 2009
Reaction score
I have just started a season online with my mates and its a struggle to buy top players cheap as Fulham, Fernando Gago is on transfer market by Madrid he is worth buying but does he improve much?

Has anyone had gago in their team and can tell me his progress and their opinions.

Sucks, when i was Fulham i bought Drenthe and he's super
well for under £5million he is a definite
how much did drenthe cost?
Any strikers you can recomend i tried to buy luca toni i know he would only be good for two seasons but his stats are superb for 3 mill, however he will not join a club like fulham he rejects all contract offers, so any suggestions.

So would you say buy gago for 4.5 mill or just buy patrick Viera for 900k to do the job if Gago unlikly to imrpove?
For £5Million you can't find anyone better

Although there is a good Uzbekistan player who plays for Phil Scoalri's team.. He's only £1Million, you should check him out
Gago has allways been an average player in my games, but once Madrid whack him on the transfer list and you need a centre mid then theres none better for 4m.
Only buy him if you are playing with a defensive midfielder!
Not worth a penny? He's a brilliant player IMO. Just signed him on my Espanyol story for free (after Madrid offered him out for nothing), and he's settled in fine and is playing superbly.
I signed Gago with Everton. For me he wasn't outstanding, but he wasn't poor either. Kept getting like ratings of 6.8/6.9 every game
I can buy him for 750k on my game but he wants 180k a week! Hoping madrid release him or something soon!
Gago is great as defensive mid. He won't progress much though.