Football Manager 2014 First Match Engine Video

I know the video is of work in progress and early stages but from 2:13 - 2:20, the blue teams right winger has taken his eye off the opposition left back and let him just waltz freely up the field and collect the ball under no pressure. That would be a criminal move if he was on my team, so early stage or not, these are basic things that should be in the video now, no more complex than shooting or passing
I know the video is of work in progress and early stages but from 2:13 - 2:20, the blue teams right winger has taken his eye off the opposition left back and let him just waltz freely up the field and collect the ball under no pressure. That would be a criminal move if he was on my team, so early stage or not, these are basic things that should be in the video now, no more complex than shooting or passing

I know what you mean, but that could be bad defending from the player, a lazy player (think old school robben )or the player not being given the instructions to go back with the full back etc. That's why I say its hard to judge, without knowing what instructions he has, or his attributes. It could be an issue. It could easily be nothing. Not every winger IRL is told to track back with the attacking opposition full back.
At least it's still technically the same engine as previous games, which is great news for those of us with **** machines tbh.

I had a slight fear it was going to be up and up on gameplay and look something really closer and realistically like Fifa, which would have probably had your computer come grinding to a halt. So I can be thankful for that and only some physics changes!
Fm2013 had some good improvements especially I liked the classic mode and the much improved UI.

But when I buy a game for full prize to "beta test" it, and I find many bugs/glitches especially in the match engine which even a blind monkey could have spotted in 5 mins, and it takes ages for em to even acknowledge the problems and then afterwards I get threatened by mods and SI staff for critizing this new business model and testing staff - then Ive had it! Bugs is fine and you cant make a perfect game, but FM2013 was horrible in so many ways, It became better yes, but Ive learned my lesson and will not order a half made product ever again.

All developers always say the same bullcrap - improved AI and engine..I dont rly see it?! I know its a short clip but they said the same thing last year and it was the first year I regretted buying FM and made me think about leaving this franchise for good.

SI need competetion thats my conclusion.
The only thing I see wrong with the video is not something to reflect on the game but true lack of it. Though then maybe it's telling of the game. Selection of plays to show.

Every pass is to feet. Not one to be ran onto. No wayward passes the players have to race for. Even the ball that comes off the post does so directly to the defender's feet. No ball losses, only one time it's close to happen when there's congestion and a player runs into the ball and it bounces to finish at the feet of the player who carried it.

Precisely one of the big leaps of FM13 from FM12, is that in FM12 passes were mostly pin point to feet of players, team mates when it went right, opponents when it went wrong. Of course, it had a few passes to run onto the ball, in which case it was pin pointed to the path of the run. Or felt like, while in FM13 passes aren't shown with such accuracy and they go astray or too long or too short.

You're the only person who has picked on this and realised its just an attacking reel, rather than a proper match excerpt. So everything is going the attackers way, because the clips are all about when an attack is successful.
The defending looks just as poor as it did in fm13.

nail on the head

its like an unfit sunday league team, far too static and i dont buy into the bullshit that anything they can do we can do blah blah
nail on the head

its like an unfit sunday league team, far too static and i dont buy into the bullshit that anything they can do we can do blah blah

Whether you buy it is completely irrelevant. That is how it works. Fact.
I just love when people like one thing and pass all the time saying bad things about it. This is not marriage. :D
Would so badly like a FM game with the FIFA (not manager) games as a match engine... :)
Although I think the game engine was great on FM13, and I don't really see much difference with the new one (My computer has turned sh*te at graphics anyway, so I probably won't be able to see the shadows) I still think FM14 seems alot better than the others, mainly because they have finally made the AI managers smarter, and have revamped the tactics system.

Although I would also like to see the DoF improved upon, as at the moment he is useless, and I want to do a save where I leave all the transfers to him (Like Liverpool and Tottenham irl)

Liverpool don't have a DoF... if you're referring to Comolli, you should take notice of how that farce ended and simply not hire one :p As for Tottenham, Baldini is technical director and not DoF (although he performs the tasks of a DoF it seems).

Personally I don't see why people want this, neither in real life nor in FM. After all, if you're playing a simulator where you're the boss of a club, what's the point in leaving most of the responsibility over to the AI? Especially the most interesting part of the game; transfers. But I guess that's just me.
Am I the only one that misses your scout actually scouting like it used to be in fm11, when your assistant told you how the other sets up and their style of play, miss fm11 and 12
i was really hoping for better crowd animation and even better tactical awareness from players, but in my opinion they've been lazy with this; the layout is fine although custom skins put to shame what the programmers give us, gameplay seem more or less the same,

you would think a game like this, which is just a fancy database would merit much more focus on the match day experience, and at least gives us crowds that don't look like buy all their jackets from the same stores

plus with the tech available to us now, we should really be expecting top class graphics and player animation

dont get me wrong, i love FM, i was playing these games on zx81's and commodore 64's; and with the cash they are milking from the fans, we should be seeing bigger and better things, especially at todats prices
The match engine is simply broken. There is simply something very wrong with the way the match engine scores goals. It seems that half of the goals in the game are made from set pieces or the result of set piece post scrum scrambles. Because the non-set piece goals are very RARE.

The strikers are simply horrid at finishing and put way too many balls into the stands or aim it square at the keeper. 'Placed shots' used to be a devastating PPM because the Striker would actually aim for the corner of the net away from the goalie. Right now strikers demonstrate little to ZERO awareness of the position of the keeper relative to the ball.

Most shooting plays involve the players sending the ball straight into the stands rather than making narrow but intelligent misses, in the direction of the goal, which awould be acceptable to a certain extent. However the amount of times the woodwork saves what would be a narrow goal is unbelievably high!

I can believe a narrow miss a foot to the right or left of the goal several times a match. But for the ball to bounce of the woodwork to take away a goal so often is unbelievable! Also the GK AI is incredible stupid. Why oh why does the goalkeeper insist on standing 50 meters to the side, then kick the ball ACROSS the field for it to be promptly intercepted and scored into a wide open net? Heck, my backup GK was so stupid, he decided to kick the ball into the BACK of his own defender which resulted in an OG! Was not the defender's fault, it was totally on the Keeper!!

Want proof the match engine is messed up? Lionel Messi, the 'best' offensive player in the world scored 50 goals in La liga 2012 and 46 goals in La Liga in 2013. But guess his goal totals in FM 2014 match engine? 2014 19 goals in 38 games 2015 17 goals in 38 games 2016 17 goals in 38 games. Or how about CR7? 2014 25 goals 2015 15 goals 2016 11 goals. There is something VERY WRONG with a match engine that gimps two of the strongest goal scorers in the entire world!!

The game simply isn't fun or realistic anymore. I think there has to be some fundamental flaw in how they handle the physics of shooting and the ball going in or going off target. Fix this PLEASE. If FM2014 is this BAD, FM 2015 is going to require a COMPLETE OVERHAUL just to be playable!!

Here's another fun fact: In FM 2014 Barcelona scores 75 goals in 2014 season, 78 goals in 2015 season, and a pitiful 59 goals in 2016. Say what?? Meanwhile back in the Barclays Premier League, My Liverpool side scored 77 goals to win the BPL. That's 2.02 goals per game. Second place Manchester United scored 69 goals for a pitiful 1.82 goals per game. 15th place Derby scored 36 goals for an abysmal .947 goal per game average. Something is just VERY WRONG with how goals are scored! Are we starting to see a pattern here?

BPL Table: