
Jul 20, 2015
Reaction score
I am working on a tactic for my Liverpool side, and I am still in pre season and have had good results there.
I end up with ball possession around 45-50, even when I won a game 8-1, but I want to get the possession up to 52-56 (or more).
So any ideas to what I should change in the instructions, or could it just be that the players aint used to the tactic yet as the level is awkward?

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Playing narrower might help. Short passing game requires players to be much closer to each other for passing options, otherwise they just hold on to the ball till they lose it.
Thanks for the tip mate, but won't that make my AML/AMR less effective? Got Coutinho and splashed some big bucks on Felipe Anderson for those positions.
I can get close to 70% every game, but the chance creation is nonexistent.
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I have a problem with the lack of goals, i have a lot of chances and a great possesion, but my striker and my wingers won't score that easily. If you want, i can give you some of my Instructions or my Player roles.
Lowering the tempo will probably succeed that.
And dont play narrower.Short passing requires wider width.
Thanks for the tip mate, but won't that make my AML/AMR less effective? Got Coutinho and splashed some big bucks on Felipe Anderson for those positions.

It absolutely won't. Play Narrower is not the same as Exploit the Middle. It just means your players will be much closer to each other (towards the centre of the pitch) to keep things compact. They're amazing players anyway and WILL find space (unless you instruct them not to).

Also, a possession play will benefit from more support duty forwards/wingers so that there are passing options for your midfielders. Of course, this negates your "long ball over the top" quick counter stuff. But you're looking for possession football, anyway :p
How does this work?
In the easiest way;
Its harder to find a free player to pass when you play narrower.Yes they will be close to each other but so the other team.
Thats why you play wider with short passing so your player can get the most out of the pitch.

And this is how it works since idk how many years in Fm.
In the easiest way;
Its harder to find a free player to pass when you play narrower.Yes they will be close to each other but so the other team.
Thats why you play wider with short passing so your player can get the most out of the pitch.

And this is how it works since idk how many years in Fm.

Then they're not passing short? Players on the ball will dally with the ball waiting for someone to come within their "passing range" and one of two things happen:

1. Nobody comes to pick the ball up, and an opposing player closes them down to steal the ball.
2. Players can't find a suitable short range target, and chooses to hoof it long, losing possession in the process.

This is what I've noticed in the ME when reviewing my matches. And it happens especially to players with a defend duty, where, in Control or Attacking team mentalities, their tendency is to pass short already. If their teammates are spread too far apart, they will just decide to go route one when an opposing player closes them down.
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I think you have the highest possibilities to have high possession if you play control-fluid, slow tempo, short passing, reatin possession, be more disciplined, work ball into box, dribble less. I think all this instructions helps you with retaining your possession
Why is Control (a mentality that favours edges toward risks more than playing it safe) a better option for possession?