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Mar 27, 2010
Reaction score
I need Help on how to upload a file i fill it all in nd post what i wanna put about it but when i go to sumit it, it all disapears have i dne sumit wrong in need ov help cuz i really wanna put my custom database up ^^)
Its probably awaiting approval.

Can you give me the filename and ill check.

Also try to use 'proper' english as much as possible, just makes it a bit easier for everyone to understand (and therefore help) you. :)
i fort that but i did the same yday and 'My File' is empty
the file name is World Leagues or WorldLeagues...
i really wanna upload it aswell :(
You have no files waiting to be approved.

Have you tried uploading to FM Base using another browser? Your current browser could be the issue.
what do you mean im tryin again
its got 3 boxes at the bottom saying : Upload a File
Link to a File
For linked Files, enter the file size in BYTES

i no i got to fill in the top 1 but what about the other 2....?
You only need to fill in the top one unless you are linking the file from a web address.

You have no files waiting for approval means you havent succesfully submitted one for us to approve (and release on the site) yet.

Try another browser means try firefox, opera, internet explorer, safari etc.
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when i try upload it, it comes up with this afta it

You may only upload or link to the following extensions: zip rar torrent tac pkm sls 7z xml
Yes you need to format the file before it can be uploaded. You can do this using the extensions you just quoted.

Right click your file and rar/zip it......providing you have winrar or winzip.

See Screenshot
Glad we could help. Thread closed.
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