
Apr 22, 2010
Reaction score

I have read a lot on this forum, and there is alot of good hint and tips. But I think there is one problem. There are a little too mutch genrerell advices. Im looking for more specific hints and tips...How can I read the weaknesses in the opponents tactics, and what shall I do to exploit this...

I understand that this maybe is the core of the game, and that there is no specific answere, but there would be greate to have a thread where we cold share our experiences on how to exploit weaknesses in the opponets tactics and how u find it..

Im trying to see the full game in 2d sometimes, and see where I can improve, but I dont know what to look for actually...

Sorry for my english bu the way...
Thx...I have read the most of the artical, and it helped alot...But I think its not very spesific...
Hi Joe..

Im after hint like what kind of things I shall look for in the opponents tactics, and how to defend against the respective threats... What do U guys do before a match? And how do U deal with it?
I may be wrong but didn't you start a thread asking how to read your opponents yesterday? This sounds pretty similar to that
Yes that right, but the thread kind of stopped...Sorry if thats against the policy here....
Before a game, i usually get my assistent manager to set up man marking and things. the screen before you get "team talk" there is "opposition instructions", just clisk "ask assistant"

Works for me anyway.

Other than that, just look at the opposition formation, and use pre match advice if you worry about that stuff (i dont bother)

Hope this helps some how