How do I make my player stop arguing with officials?


Nov 16, 2010
Reaction score
Lavezzi is refusing to unlearn the trait. The moron keeps saying that it won't benefit his game. For ****'s sake, he's getting yellows every game! I'm his favoured personnel, but he still refuses!
In my personal experience, if he doesn't want to learn or unlearn a move... he won't.
Either you can edit it using FMRTE or your stuck I'm affraid.

You could try turning his tackling down to easy or something along those lines,
It's not even the tackling. When another player commits a foul, the ************ goes to the ref and argues.
That's something you can only edit via FMRTE or the game editor.
i'd sell him if he was mine and get someone in who wasnt a pain the neck.
He is unnecessarily aggressive. Like burv said, put his tackling to easy. Criticize him in every press conference given the chance. He's not that aggressive in my save, but still get yellows once in a while.