How do you guys use SLOW Defensive Midfielders ?


Jun 16, 2010
Reaction score
How do you guys use SLOW Defensive Midfielders ?

I dont mean like Xavi or Pirlo, I mean Cambiasso-style

I guess it could be called a destroyer or whatever ... a player that disrupts enemy attacks.

Whenever I play cambiasso alone trying to hold the center the opponent simply triangulates the ball around since he is slow (12 acc, 12 pace).

I guess he is not slow like some 40 years old, but he rarely manages to break an attack, unless the opponent makes a mistake or hold the ball too long.

anyway, dont limit yourselves to Cambiasso .

thanks ; )
I usually use them as an Anchor man. That way, they can drop in as an extra centre-back and use their height and defensive excellence to win the ball before recycling it.
yeah, anchor man, to cover CBs only. dun use him for man marking. dun ask him to go up join attack.
if i was managing inter, then have cambiasso as a Anchor man.

i have DM's, but my formation style barely has a DM postion. i use these players as my CM with automatic duty, so that they can both defend , support the strikers.