How to ad clubs from different countries to other leagues / How to put age restrict?


Apr 29, 2014
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I was wondering how can I ad a club from the Croatian premier league to the Serbian SuperLegue and keep all their History, Stadium, Players, Staff etc.
Because I've tried in the past but it didn't work out.

Also how can you put a age restriction on domestic players to go to other countrys on a transfer lets say 27 years?

Thanks in advance
For the first, if you just want to change teams, go to the league and swap teams, there is a button.. But if you want to add a extra team, you need to change the league rules.

And the other, I think there is an option in country to set something about that, but not sure, try to look there or maybe in advanced rules in the option with the name of the country.
For the first, if you just want to change teams, go to the league and swap teams, there is a button.. But if you want to add a extra team, you need to change the league rules.

And the other, I think there is an option in country to set something about that, but not sure, try to look there or maybe in advanced rules in the option with the name of the country.

I know about swapping teams but when I try that it doesn't copy the players etc to the other league. They just get fake players?
Really? Tell me what league and team you want to edit to try.
Nevermind I got it to work. I just can't seem to find the age restriction option...
Does anyone know how to set age restriction for transfers?!