
Jan 23, 2010
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I am managing Liverpool in the second season now, I am trying to shift Aquilani, Carragher, J.Cole, Poulsen and Jovanovic as all these players are on 50k+ p/w.

I have transfer listed them all at super low prices like 500k and done the offer to clubs, but still I get no bids and get the "no clubs see a deal viable at this moment in time" and for Carragher I get a message saying "he is determined to stay".

Does anybody know a tip to get these players sold so I can free up some wages?
It is probably to do with their wages although they are cheap to buy clubs wont want to up their wages
no one buys mine either tryed to sell hazard for 10mil no one wants him even though hes worth 18mil
no one really wants to buy overpaid bench warmers :)

but it is very hard selling players none the less (well not your star players of course, squad players)

then only thing to do is keep offering them out and on the TL, hopefully someone will offer for them.. or see if you can try and loan them out and get around a 50-70% wage payment from the other club and do this till their contracts expire then release them :)
If you just want to get them off the books, offer them a new contract and make it as short as possible they might even take a wage cut if you're lucky.
Try loaning them out like Raikan said, you'll need to pay a chunk of the wages yourself but it's better than nothing.