Kings of the North - Sitting in Stockholm


Oct 13, 2012
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Because of some technical problems with my previous story with Toulouse FC , I decided to start a new story. I have selected only European countries that are situated in the northern part of the continent.

Kings of the North


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Chapter I : Pre-Season 2011/12

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In a shocking announcement , AIK Fotboll chairman , Johan Strömberg , annonced that Andreas Alm decided to resign from his position as manager of AIK. Despite claiming that all ended on good terms , rumours have it that Andreas Alm left after a huge argue with his boss , regarding the new direction of the club and salary. Andreas considered he deserved a lot more money , considering the way the team played despite having limited resources. After that announcement , the reporters receive another shocking announcement , regarding the identity of the new manager. Eduard Lavrentiy , a 26 year old Moldovan manager , has been appointed as the new manager. This is his first time as manager. Despite a short career , abruptly ended by a serious knee injury , Eduard was regarded as one of Moldovans future stars and a great character on and off the field.

As the announcemnet was made , the reporters camera start to flash as in the conference room entered the new manager of AIK. With a large smile on his face , he was clearly unaffected by the huge pressure that is on him. Shacking the hand of his new boss , Eduard turned towards the camera and smiled to the reporters , who didn't give him a break with the images.

Taking a seat near Johan Strömberg , Eduard took a sip from the coffee that was sitting in front of him. Looking at the reporters , he saw their exciment and curiosity for more informatino on his appointment. Finally , AIK's chairman allows for the reporters to unleash themselves upon the young manager.

Assaulted by the endless number of question , Eduard kept his nerves and answered the questions calmly , making an occasional joke. the atmosphere in the conference room is light , as Eduard handles the reporters very well.

As the press conference comes to an end , Eduard wishes everyone a good day and exits the room , alongside his boss. Walking down the hallway leading away from the room , Eduard realised that this a new beginning for him. He will lead one of Swedens most prestigious teams into battle and he must prevail for the fans that love this team.

Home Ground

Råsunda Stadium

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This is the place where AIK will play its home matches.It has a capacity of 36.608 and it was built in the year 1937.this is the place where we play our home matches until 1.4.2012 when we will move to our new home...

Friends Arena

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With a capacity of 50.000 places , it will be our new home next year.


This is an image with my squad.

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The squad is very good. I have bought in a few players to cover my deficit positions and also a few young players to grow them to play in the first team or to be sold later on in their career.I'm very pleased with the current state of the squad. The media predicts the 2nd place for me , but I decided to not risk and told my boss that we will finish atleast on a position that sends us next year into Europe.