My Fm 2012 Editor is glichly and won't load. Help needed


Feb 15, 2010
Reaction score
When I load up my editor, the background displays a yellow/green stripey background. This will not let me use the editor at all. I have uninstalled many times and deleted the caches I have been told to delete. If this has happened to you or know how to solve the problem please let me know.

I will be forever in you're debt :)

P.S I know I spent glitchy wrong
Yes, me too. The editor worked fine on my imac until a couple of days ago. Now I too get a green background with the FM character image (manager in suit), nothing else. The only function that works is 'Quit'. I can't even take a snapshot of the screen to show anyone as it is stuck on full screen. I too have tried deleting caches, uninstalling ... round and round. Think i'll give up and play something else instead. Sorry I have no solution - thought you might at least like to know it's not just you.
I'm glad to see i'm not the only one : ) if you ever solve the problem could you let me know?
has anyone figured how to solve this i am getting the same screen!