
Nov 27, 2011
Reaction score
I'm looking to boot up a network game in North America. I have a few going with other fm-base players but the time zone limits our playing time. I'd like to find a GMT +5 player who would want to play early afternoon into the evening.

I feel like I'm on a dating site right now...

I'd boot up all major leagues as playable and wouldn't mind doing a Giants save (Real v Barca / United v City / Inter v AC etc...) but would also find a smaller club challenge fun too.

Either msg back to the thread or just add me to steam ( spinelsscoma ) and we can go from there....

send a picture first.
hey i would like to join i usally get home around 4 eastern time so i could play about 5 hours a day
Cool add me to steam and we'll discuss the parameters. the more the merrier so if others want to start going let us know.
i dont know how to add pepole on steam can you add me ? (bigwill1234)