Newcastle United - Tactics


Apr 21, 2009
Reaction score
Hi there,

Let me, if I may, give a little insight as to why I'm here posting on this forum now.

I thought I'd register and post here since I was over in the other forum and the help and response were mixed.

Not since CM 94/95 have I been any good at this game and most of the versions since I've used downloaded tactics but that does kind of defeat the purpose not to mention it's more difficult to maintain good form since you don't understand the logic behind the tactic.

Recently I read the 'Tactical Theorems and Frameworks' document that was posted on the other forum and I've found it very useful. I made my own tactic and that's why I'm here.

So, Newcastle...

Not an easy team to start with but a lot of potential. I chose them mainly because I'm a fan but also know the team pretty well.
Anyway, I'm 5 games in, a game in hand and I'm 10th which means a potential 6th spot, which is not unreasonable.

I've uploaded my tactics here. If there are any faults at the moment it's my inability to create chances as I seem to have managed to stop the typical Newcastle rot of conceding stupid goals.

My goal difference is poor and although my away record is good my home record is poor which it should not be as Newcastle has all the ingredients to be a fortress.

Anyway, I've mainly used the 'standard' tactic and altered that for each game. I've not used the defense or attack much. I like the standard as it's very hard to get the ball of my team.

I'd love to bounce it off the experienced heads here (no pun intended) as if you can help me make this into a great tactic set I'll love you forever.

One thing is absolutely imperative however. I do not need amendments, I need to understand the theory behind the decision else I'll not learn.

Thank you for taking the time to read my post.

Here is the tactics: