
May 2, 2014
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A mad man, a supporter of the fanatic kind. Armin, 21 years of age, constantly dreaming of ways to purify the Beautiful Game, to perfect it while raising gold above his head. On a summer day, he walks into the office of Gino Pozzo, wasting no time he explains his vision, his plans and aspirations. For hours, without a second to waste, only halfway through does he manage to capture the chairman's full attention. He convinced Gino but not without having the chairman questioning his own sanity. The deal was done, a National C license was acquired for young Armin and he was officially announced as the new Watford Manager, most laughed & some were still in shock.
Good luck with Watford, in my mind who should have gone up a couple of years back when they lost to Palace (BOOOOO!) but im sure you will do well with them and get them up, as long as Brighton go up with you!
Tomorrow Is a Long Time

Chapter I
"Tomorrow Is a Long Time"
The young mad man walked into the dressing room, instantly informing his squad of promotion being a must. He spoke to the media & it became clear, Armin's charisma is what got him the position, he spoke of change, reaching new heights and closed the interview by stating he needed a smoke.

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Though eyebrows would once again be raised when he sold two presumed key players of the season. Only to buy several young players, stating that he is looking to build a future from day one. He signed Murphy from Norwich and loaned in Grealish from Villa. Though the most talked about Watford transfer was not a domestic one. After speaking with the board about scouting Brazil for players, Armin was met with rejection for the first time. He responded by travelling to Brazil, paying for it on his own. He spent the entire time scouting & finally approached a wonderkid he was already somewhat familiar with. 18 year old Nathan had little interest in joining Watford, though after several conversations with Nathan, Armin managed to convince him. A deal was struck & Nathan would soon debut with the number 10 on his back while an entire nation watched, filled with expectations.

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Season began with anything but a bang, a uninspired draw filled with anything but goals versus Bolton. A point Armin felt his side did not deserve but were still unlucky to miss out on three points. All because of a thunderous Paredes shot, shaking the post in the last moment of the game. Moving on, the team suffered a loss to Norwich at away, a good start was met by a red hot Norwich, who may have only won the game by one goal but were in complete control of the game. Armin's posession based football was not working, there were no indications of it. Though the idea of playing the game beautifully and winning shined in the next Championship fixture, as Watford took on Rotherham away, going in as huge underdogs and leaving with all three points. In full control of the match, posession. Rotherham could only thank higher powers and their keeper, the result should have been a much larger win for Watford. A memorable game either way, for it was the first time the English fanatics got the privlige to see what Nathan is truly capable of, after two less than impressive opening performances from the young Brazilian. Armin made no changes and kept his idea, only to suffer a close defeat to Leeds, in what could only be described as an even game, he felt that his side deserved a draw but destiny would not allow it. A cup game of no significance took place, after that it was time for Huddersfield to feel Watford's desire to be seen, heard & appreciated. Watford opened the game with a maniacal pace and it would pay off merely six minutes into the game, as Sean Murray hit the back of the net from close range. Eleven minutes later it was time for Nathan to once again introduce himself, striking a long range volley, pure perfection and a symbol for the beauty the young manager wants his team to represent on the pitch.

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Summer came to an end, after a inconsistent start Armin felt that there was endless work to be done. He appreciated living the dream on a rocky road, fearing what is to come but loving every moment of it.
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Inside Armin Carmichael

A Narcissist & Romantic
Approaching the Beautiful Game
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Exclusively interviewed for a documentary, focusing on the impossible & fairy tale esque nature of the story. Armin explained his rather straightforward and romantic view of football. He understood that he was highly demanding of his players but in order to succeed the way he wanted to, it was a must.

"As any manager, I want my team to work as a cohesive unit, with determination. I want them to constantly run, fight and play as if it was their last day on a football pitch. The pitch is a heaven for me. I want the players to entertain while winning, I want to please whoever paid for a ticket and win at the same time. Every single player must work to instantly win the ball, whoever may have lost it. The opposition cannot for one second think that they're breathing, they cannot feel comfort or ever be in control of the ball. If they do, it only demonstrates me not doing my job right and furthermore my players not doing what they are paid to do. While in control of the ball, I want them to spread around, play it around with pace and constantly try to strike. Occupy every inch of the pitch, dribble around your opponent and make him wish he was somewhere else, there cannot be a moment of rest for them. It does not matter if they have the ball or we do, they can never feel comfort. We will take the ball, we will do beautiful things with it, we will dribble our way through and we will most certainly score. The name of the opponent and their players are of no relevance to me. Every single one of them will be constantly pressured, tackled as hard as possible in order for us to regain the ball, and not given a single moment or second of solitude. There is beauty in running, fighting and doing all you can and then some to win the ball. There is also beauty in entertaining, skill and the art of dribbling with majestic passing. I try my best to combine all of these, they are never mutually exclusive, I owe it to the beautiful game, it is my duty to perfect it. It is my reason for waking up every morning. I think of the Beautiful Game & therefore I am."

just a heads up on the August report....the screenshot for you vs Norwich is up there twice when im guessing the Leeds one was meant to be there? but none the less a slow start to the league and as the season goes in we will see weather your choice to invest like you did will be worth it but good luck!
just a heads up on the August report....the screenshot for you vs Norwich is up there twice when im guessing the Leeds one was meant to be there? but none the less a slow start to the league and as the season goes in we will see weather your choice to invest like you did will be worth it but good luck!
Thanks mate, but I got drunk & carried away last night and screwed the save to ****. Playing overload and telling my board to stuff it, I had completely forgotten about it and then I woke up, loaded the save and saw that I was fired. ****. I'd love to start a new story though, I'm not going to go back and reload earlier in this save because well, I wasn't THAT drunk, just ignorant and a bit angry. Any ideas for a new, interesting team?