Problem with Network game, stuck in hot seat mode


Sup people,

have a problem wit my network game, was playing an online game with a user and i was the host on my pc. anyways the user came by one day and we loaded the same game and played it on my pc. so basically the same loaded game but now its multiplayer mode one a single pc. now the user wants to reaccess the game from they're pc.
but everytime the game loads it loads it as multiplayer on mine and the other user cant access they're profile..any idea how to get out of multyplayer mode from my pc for the other user to logg in from theres??? one knows how to leave hot seat mode back to one player without retiring the other manager playing? all i really need to know is how to remove a 2nd player from hot seat mode in my game because the other player on the network can retake control of the team..
I know its a old thread, but i've had same problem with it , and i didnt find an answer to this on the web, after quite a few time searching like crazy, i figured you have a disconnect manager option, on the go on holiday menu. Hope I can help someone having same problem. Cheers.