Problems uploading a profile pic.....

Dec 13, 2010
Reaction score
tried doing it both by uploading a jpeg & hosting a jpeg on a website & neither will work for some reason. Whenever I try to upload a jpeg it all seems fine then when I click save changes it says 'failed to upload file' whenever I try linking a website it says everything's all great but doesn't actually do anything, any ideas what I'm doing wrong? Thanks
How big is the pic you're trying to upload?
30kbs, or are you talking dimensions? in that case not very large at all & I'd assume it'd auto correct the size?
hmmmm. Have you tried uploading a different pic and seeing if that works?
possibly something to do with your firewall/router maybe
Is it within these guidelines?

Note: The maximum size of your custom image is 100 by 100 pixels or 1.91 MB (whichever is smaller).
Managed to upload one, I can see it on my profile but on none of my posts so, yeah. I'm at a loss.
Not been using the site for long & I got confused between profile pic & avatar thinking that my profile pic would be the one that shows up on my posts. Then I saw the avatar settings & my cheeks went a bit pink haha