Removed as manager!


Feb 1, 2009
Reaction score
So basically I was manager as Leeds, and top of the championship in 2010/11 season. Then some random guy comes and buys the club and puts Steve Coppel as manager! Even though I was doing so well. Has this happened to any of you before?
Sure has. It's unlucky. Some don't have an idea to replace you at all, some think they will but change their mind when you are performing well while some are ****** who would replace you even if you just beat Chelsea 7-0. It happens.
Thats what makes this game so great.
I have never had a takeover on FM!

That really sucks mate
I had one as Inter milan manager and I wasn't sure if I'd keep my job. Thankfully the new chairman had faith :p
Sucks sorry mate,although on the other point its great to see things like this happen,Ive got several take overs and all changed their mind I thought it was a standard procedure
I got sacked from everton without being told, i was doing well in the league (top for 3 months) and playing well in the europa league then all of a sudden i wasnt evertons manager, no mails to say id been sacked or why and then in the news i read 'everton take over bid complete' baffling but at least your random guy told you to look for a new job lol<)
Coppell got sacked at the end of the season! He ended up mid table, but they didnt want me as manager again. Oh well serves him right.
Been threatened many times but never actually happened - normally they suggest the fans backing of me as manager saved me. Unlucky!
thats the magic in the game...i got kicked from Lazion on 2012/2013 season :(...i won the league in 2011/2012 and i still got kicked?? wtf?