
Jan 20, 2010
Reaction score
Whys he never score?

Takes free kicks left and right,focus on free kicks,his stats are 17 or 18 and 9 times out of 10 he just hits them against the wall.
Even Santos gets a couple a season.
Any advice please!
You could just be unlucky. The ones that are 17-24 meters are 1/2 times goals for me. Try and un-teach him "shoots with power" PPM.
FM is funny about free kicks. I have never seen a free kick scored where there is any build up play. You do occasionally get the goals when there is a free kick out of the blue just outside of the area and bang it's in, and you're thinking where did that one come from.

I've never seen even the best players score more than maybe 6 goals a season on FM from free kicks though.
Free kicks are very strange in FM indeed. In FM 11 Keisuke Honda was incredible with them, he once got 2 in one game for me against united.
Also twice I've subbed a player in right as I had a free kick opportunity and he scored, his very first touch on the ball in the match