

Mar 9, 2009
Reaction score
i have had a look and can not find anything so i made this. i was just wondering who loves scrubs and what is your favourite quote,song or thing is about scrubs???
Was awesome for 3 seasons, decent for 2 more seasons, watchable for 2 more seasons then sucked.

Should have stopped with 6 seasons.

Janitor and Ted were the best, and funniest characters. Loved Kelso also and obviously *** and JD.

Hated Carla, and Elliot could be annoying.

Favourite episode was the rabies one, or "their story" I think it was.
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Barbara Ann by the Janitor's acapella group is beast.

Ledge Show (H)
Too much of this show, too quickly made me dislike it. Loved it early on, but then it really seemed they're thinking up silly story lines, and tons of people discovered it, it reminds me of Family Guy. :/
Was awesome for 3 seasons, decent for 2 more seasons, watchable for 2 more seasons then sucked.

Should have stopped with 6 seasons.

Janitor and Ted were the best, and funniest characters. Loved Kelso also and obviously *** and JD.

Hated Carla, and Elliot could be annoying.

Favourite episode was the rabies one, or "their story" I think it was.

My favourite episode too.

It's fate. :wub:
Favourite Episode: The MIIIISSTAAAAKKEEE One lol

Favourite Song: "Guy Loove Betweeen Two Guuyyss"

Favourite quote: EEAAAAAGGLLLEEEE! :D
definately should have ended on season 6, cant stand the new cast, new show, I think its called Medical school or some ****, dont even watch it anymore, so so sad!! I think I have a man crush on Zach, I have watched like every episode twice and it still makes me laugh everytime! classic, classic show! such a pity its dogs balls now, if it had finished at the end of 6, it would/could have been remembered as the greatest comedy/sitcom of the 20th centuary!
'Who the **** put tiny wheels on my shoes?'
definately should have ended on season 6, cant stand the new cast, new show, I think its called Medical school or some ****, dont even watch it anymore, so so sad!! I think I have a man crush on Zach, I have watched like every episode twice and it still makes me laugh everytime! classic, classic show! such a pity its dogs balls now, if it had finished at the end of 6, it would/could have been remembered as the greatest comedy/sitcom of the 20th centuary!

Should have stopped after 6. 6 was still watchable, but then season 7 was poor and the writer's strike completely messed it up (such as Kelso leaving one episode, then being back the next (fairytale episode).

Season 8 was nonsense but I did enjoy - what should have been - the final episode.

However season 9 was an abomination and deserved to be cancelled.
Mixed feelings. I wouldn't go out of my way to watch it, but if it was on I'd happy watch it. Some episodes I think are really funny while others are quite dull. Janitors wicked :wub:
season 9 was called scrubs:interns and i agree was poor but i loved season 8!!
I loved it,didnt even know there was a season 9???
Favourite quote was EEEAAAAGGGGLLLLEEEE!!!!!!!!!!
I watch a minimum of 1 episode a day.. :)

Love.... It!
"Did you put this penny in the door?"

Really like Scrubs, but do think it's been dragged on too far. The latest season has sucked up to where I am.

Favourite characters are, Janitor, Kelso, Turk and ***.

---------- Post added at 09:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:19 PM ----------

YouTube - Scrubs THE Penny
"You've been gravelled, just a thing i'm trying to start!"

"You have found the saltine my friend, btw, dont tell Elliot we still play!"

"Okay Janet, Carol, Stacey, Ashley, and any other girls name i can think of!"
"You did'nt even try that time"
"Give me a break, I'm tired!

I agree season 9 sucked, the episode that was meant to be the final episode was great.
Thought J.D and Elliot were on/off too much, same as Ross and Rachel!
First couple seasons was AWESOME but they eventually ruined it :(
"That doesn't look right?"
"It appears you have a *****, at least that what i think it is!" lol

The only criticism i had of the show going downhill is Elliot changing character completely. I liked the old Elliot :'(
I think it is the best show of it's kind (it may be blasphemy but I think it's better than friends :O). I just love JD so much and the final episode of season 8 was just fantastic. Dr ***'s speech was brilliant. Agreed season 9 was an epic fail, was only decent when JD was in it. How they thought they could continue the show after the character who the whole show revolves around leaves still confuses me.

YouTube - [scrubs] my finale- dr. *** shows how he feels about jd