Hey people,I ended up giving out the tactic to a lot of people who ended up never getting back at me.
Anyways,thing is I havent had a lot of time playing FM this time around due to Uni + work commitments.

BUT,I managed to play 6 glorious seasons with Manchester United and half a season each with Reading and Newcastle with my tactic.In the english league it had great success and so I took the system over to the Italian league which was harder for me to get success in initially due to the hard tackling system I used and the problems of 3 defenders finding it very easy to clear crosses.Anyways,that problem was solved when I decided to use the width and tempo settings of the modern warfare tactic and also embed its short passing into my tactic.

The end result has been simply great with the start of this season with my Roma team having won all 5 of our games and scoring 23 goals.Im still working on the defence part and would probably give it a shot with a weaker team before throwing it out into the open.

Just wanted to give everyone a heads up here that I might actually be lookign for people to test out the tactic and I would only be looking for people who can work with me in giving good feedback.