The Kidderminster Story - The Bill Shankly of FM

Best save ever?

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Feb 19, 2012
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I started off at Portsmouth, and well, lets just say i didn't have the best of starts, i was sacked around 12 games into the season and turned my attention else where, i was given the chance to manage Kidderminster Harriers where i was promoted the season after i joined (first full season). I won the Skrill Premier and finished around 25 points ahead of everyone else. In my second season it was a battle between me and my old club Portsmouth for the League 2 title. I won the league once again by 5 points. Back to back promotions is something i had never expected and was rewarded with a new contract. The ambition did not stop there as we moved into league 1. This was a tricky season for the Kiddies compared to the previous 2, but with hard work, spirit and determination amongst the squad, we battled for a well earned 2nd place. 5 points from the winners Middlesbrough. All of a sudden, i was in the championship with Kidderminster Harriers. My save is currently continuing where i lie in 8th place, 2 points off a play-off spot after 26 games. Bearing in mind all these achievments have been successful with a LIMITED transfer budget of around ?0 rising to 50k in the championship, i survived a takeover when my contract had 6 months to run. When this season is finished i will post updates and screenshots will be available in due course. Please leave comments below commending my amazing work as the best FM manager of all time.UPDATE: Made the championship playoffs after finishing 6th in the league, beat bristol city in the championship playoffs semi-final after a 1-1- draw at home and a 2-0 away win. Playing Villa in the final who i have already beaten 3-0 away this season and lost at home. Update to follow
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