UK Budget 2010 discussion.


Aug 10, 2009
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I thought Alastair Darling as always provided a sensible, well thought up and well drawn up budget. DC's and NC's rebuttals were as always weak and I hope now that the British public will vote sense and return Labour to power rather than the elitist tories or the helpless Lib Dems(God forbid :/). I thought the abolishment of stamp duty on residential properties for first time buyers under £250,000 in 90% of cases was a particularly inspired budget and I hope that the conservatives won't come to power, draw up an 'emergency budget' and cripple the fragile recovery. Anyhow that's how I see it.

Note: This is a thread designed to discuss the annual UK of GB and NI Labour budget 2010. Spam will NOT be tolerated. If easily offended leave now. This is a thread to discuss anything from the budget to the economy as a whole and various parties stances' on them. This is NOT a thread to discuss politics as a whole and is certainly not to discuss football or football manager. Off topic posts as per usual will NOT be tolerated. Feel free to also briefly post your political allegiance (party wise - UK members only) within your post. Thank you.
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Not really heard much about it so far apart from:
- Rise on Cider prices
- Rise on cigarette prices [ tax or something along those lines ]
- Hike of fuel prices will be staggered.

But here is what financial accounts/advisors delloite have published on the matter:
Alcohol and cigarette levies can raise forever and more and more drastically in my opinion as they cause nothing but pain and tears in the long run. The higher taxes on them also help pay off the great debt they drop on the NHS year after ****** year.
Cider changes a man, my friends dad proved that on many occasions, should be made illegal
I don't really have much to say, disappointed on the increase of cider prices but I'm not in power so can do **** all
I don't really have much to say, disappointed on the increase of cider prices but I'm not in power so can do **** all

Would the budget as a whole encourage or discourage you to vote Labour in the general election (this applies to all)?
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Would the budget as a whole encourage or discourage you to vote Labour in the general election (this applies to all).
Discourage because there has to be a new face at the head of politics. Shame I can't vote, I'm only 15. Gordon Brown hasn't showed enough to me that he can lead a nation, David Cameron, as much of a **** he seems, probably knows what he is doing. He has that little bit of leadership that Brown doesn't. Just my opinion
Fuel costs too much already, this 3p extra duty is bollocks, Americans and Australians cant keep their jaws off the floor when you tell them how much it costs to fill up in Britain.

Cider going up means i will be hitting hard spirits - hmmm way to discourage binge drinking.

As for the Tories reinstating stamp duty, where have you got that from?

Seems like nothing else happened really, i studied British political history for A-Level and my teacher always said that a Chancellor and his financial decisions can only be judged in the decade after his time as chancellor........ So we are judging Gordon Browns decisions as chancellor right now, not looking good.

This country is going to the dogs:

Immigration: Im not racist but we are full already, where are all these extra legal and illegal people going to go?! Nothing against the people who come over and pay their way and get a job. Its the scumbags who come over, work for 6 months, then after 6 months they are eligible for benefit and they sit in a council house on benefits, does my head in!!!!

Minority priority, ie giving minorities more rights than the everyday citizen. Why should the taxpayer have to pay for the NHS care of an illegal (or maybe even legal) immigrant who doesnt have a job or pay tax? Why should the taxpayer also have to fund their translator because they dont speak a word of english? My girlfriend is a midwife and she says about 40% of her births are to women who dont speak english, who's paying for all this ****? Joe Public, its bollocks.

Shoddy infrastructure, trains constantly late/cancelled etc. That **** just doesnt happen in any other western country on such a grand scale.

Red Tape/Beaurocracy: I work in my family business, we run a care agency so we have to deal with social services all the time. The amount of box ticking and paperwork that goes into organizing a care package for an elderly client is outrageous.

As you may have guessed im a tory, i firmly believe that what you earn is yours. Why should someone else who often cant be bothered to get a job, live off my hard earned cash? I appreciate the principles of things like the NHS and obviously that has to be tax funded, but at the moment its being exploited by people who are just taking, they arent putting anything back into the system in terms of work or paying tax, thats foreigners and british people btw, so many people in my area have been on the dole for years.

I swear you wont be able to fart without being taxed soon. Im considering moving back to Australia.

Rant over, im looking at getting my own house soon, so no stamp duty is good.

Edit: I'm not a Cameron fan at all, but i could dress one of my turds up in a suit and it could do a better job than Brown.
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I'd much prefer Vince Cable to Alistair Darling as Chancellor of the Exchequer. Fantastic mind, and highly regarded by the opposition (Tories + Labour). But such is life, he will never have the chance.
luckily, i live abroad so the budget does not affect me. the budget is just making everything more expensive, not helping anyone. I remember when cigarettes were 3.50 a pack, now they are like 6 quid a box. thats over 5 years....FUel prices are ridiculous, and they get worse. UK would be better off without the current government, the fat man ballsed it all whoever is next as PM cant make it worse, at least.
I'd much prefer Vince Cable to Alistair Darling as Chancellor of the Exchequer. Fantastic mind, and highly regarded by the opposition (Tories + Labour). But such is life, he will never have the chance.

An extremely clever man! He could have gone very far in politics had he picked the right party, however if he is happy to stick by his political guns then good for him.
luckily, i live abroad so the budget does not affect me. the budget is just making everything more expensive, not helping anyone. I remember when cigarettes were 3.50 a pack, now they are like 6 quid a box. thats over 5 years....FUel prices are ridiculous, and they get worse. UK would be better off without the current government, the fat man ballsed it all whoever is next as PM cant make it worse, at least.

Prices/taxes will continue to rise no matter who is in charge.
i cant stand david cameron, i just think hes so uptight, and i hate to say it more people loved him when the tragedy of his sons death hit him, sorry to say it but someone had to
God, I wished we (Ireland) had half decent politicians like the UK, we had a savage budget in December. Huge cuts in Child Benefit and Social Welfare, but at least now our Prime Minister finally earns less than the US President XD.

You guys got off softly in my opinion, trust me. Ireland are the next in line for meltdown after Greece, its just a matter of time in my opinion.
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Prices/taxes will continue to rise no matter who is in charge.

I know that, but Labour are trying to decrease their deficits by hiking taxes etc, rather than look for longer term options.
luckily, i live abroad so the budget does not affect me. the budget is just making everything more expensive, not helping anyone. I remember when cigarettes were 3.50 a pack, now they are like 6 quid a box. thats over 5 years....FUel prices are ridiculous, and they get worse. UK would be better off without the current government, the fat man ballsed it all whoever is next as PM cant make it worse, at least.

They rise taxes on things that are bad for you and the NHS; the tax helps pay off their cancer bills in 20 years time. The fuel prices are high anyway as this is a country that imports most petrol from abroad despite North sea reserves of oil. The tax on it creates a larger budget which is a good thing and it also discourages people from burning fossil fuels; the steps this government has taken are making this country the greenest western power in the world including today's green bank confirmation.
I agree with many things you listed there Jake. I'm mainly foreign (born here though) and if there is one thing that I have grown to despise is the ridiculous flexibility( and that is being modest) on immigration. We are bursting at the seems as it is and we are constantly allowing people to come here and live off us. It is a disgrace. So many people I know do this, in fact one of my girlfriends mates who has lived here all her life is on the dole, her parents dont even work and they;ve lived here for near enough 20 years.
I agree with many things you listed there Jake. I'm mainly foreign (born here though) and if there is one thing that I have grown to despise is the ridiculous flexibility( and that is being modest) on immigration. We are bursting at the seems as it is and we are constantly allowing people to come here and live off us. It is a disgrace. So many people I know do this, in fact one of my girlfriends mates who has lived here all her life is on the dole, her parents dont even work and they;ve lived here for near enough 20 years.

This is a thread on the budget not immigration. THANKS.
hate to bring america into this discussion but for my family to emigrate here it took so much paper work it was ridiculous, in england we let every indian who wants in, most footballers get in aswell,