Update 2009 - English Leagues beta


Nov 28, 2008
Reaction score
Okay first thing it's not going to be as detailed as Chris22's however there are certain distinct advantages of this database;

- Transfer Updates to 2nd August (Sky sports transfer centre used as source)
-League reputation raised and decreased
-Over 500 player upgrades/downgrades
-New injuries added (Swine flu, Cancer and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (trouble breathing/ heart condition).
-Adjusted budgets to add realism and make it tighter and more deals going through
-Updates to players means Prem and Champ teams usually pick from english leagues
-Bans to Paddy Kenny and Roman Bednar





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am downloading it right now

do you know the transfer budgets for man city, real madrid, arsenal, rangers
Rangers is poor, arsenal is about 20 mill I think (to try and keep current talent as they not big spenders), real madrid is alot can't remember the ammount but basically if you want a player you can sign him the same applies with Man city however the reputation of city's is lower so I don't know who they can get in.

PS. This is my first database so don't slate it to much but to enjoy it best I recommend being a champ side or someone coming up from Champ. Tell me how you find anyways cheers.
Why on earth did you add cancer.. And swine flu, what is wrong with you.. :S
give him a break hes just making it a bit more realistic
it's old mate, i've updated it and there is a download link in my signature and on the download page just click transfer patches.

Note: Please close this thread (outdated)