
Jul 21, 2009
Reaction score
In my current game, my assistant manager comments on the weakness of my midfield. This can't really be true in my eyes as I think I have plenty of great midfielders. However things aren't going to smooth in the new season so I though I'd ask some 'expert opinions'.

I generally play 4-4-2 attacking or control.

ML: Vargas, Vuckevic
MCd: de Jong, Veloso
MCa: Diego, Kuzmanovic, Johonson
MR: SR-Philps, Affelay, Hatem Ben Afra

Also Sturridge, Ireland and MArquinos as back ups.

So is this midfield strong enough for dominant footbal and if not which signing do you recommend?
its good enough but its probably just being called weak because of your back ups. Sturridge and Ireland are lowly rated in FM but are decent players
Vukcevic is stronger in central midfield mate, might want to switch him out with Veloso and have them both set to Long Shots: Often... they can both score some belters.

You seem to have a strong set-up though. What do you mean by 'not going so smooth'. You losing often? Not scoring enough? Bore-draws?
Losing and drawing against weaker teams. Have plenty of chances (20+) but just score one or none at all and the opposition score on 1 or two chances. Shouldn't happen with strikers like Robinho en Vagner Love.
No, it shouldn't. I'm glad you got Vagner Love though, he is usually a beast with Man City.

Any chance you can post up your tactics windows for different positions? Provided you set specific player instructions, etc.
All assistant managers have the brain capacity of a lobotomised rat. Don't listen to them.

Mine complained I had a weakness at RB because the assistant thought Srna was my Right Mid, Obertan played there.

He also thought I had no cover at LB even though both Srna and Sakho could cover the position if he got injured. Trust your own judgement and not his.
well actually i really dont like diego in the game i think he isnt good in it, so if i were u i would get mountinho
Heh, he's got Veloso and Vukcevic, might as well get Moutinho and complete the Sporting Lisbon pro midfield.
Dont sell Diego! Hes quality, World player of the year for me :D
Set Veloso and Diego in CM and give both alot of Creative Freedom. Give Diego very high attacking and Veloso around the middle. Put Diego on Free Role+Many through balls+Runs with ball
No, it shouldn't. I'm glad you got Vagner Love though, he is usually a beast with Man City.

Any chance you can post up your tactics windows for different positions? Provided you set specific player instructions, etc.

Posting screens doesn't seem to work (don't know how)........ I do change tactics to different occasions, but still somewhat unsure which tactics and instructions suit particular pitches and opp. tactics.

Individual settings of the central midfielders is mosty:
RwB: Rarely,
FwR rarely/mixed,
Long shots/through balls: Mixed
Mentality: normal (middle setting)
CF: normal/little
RwB: Mixed/Often,
FwR: Mixed/Often
LS/TB: Often,
Mentality: Normal/Attacking
CF: High
Passing direct on both, crossing rarely, closing down: very high

ML & MR:
FWR/RWB: Mixed/High,
Crossing: Often/Byline,
Passing: Direct,
LS: Often,
TB: Mixed/Often
Mentality: Attacking/ Very attacking,
CF: Normal/High,
Closing down: High/very high

LS/TB: Mixed/Mixed
FWR: Mixed
RWB: Often
Passing: Direct
Mentality: Attacking/very attacking
CF: High/Very High
Closing down: High/Very high
Marking/tight marking

LS/TB: Mixed/Mixed
RWB: Mixed
FWR: Often
Passing: Direct
Mentality: Attacking/very attacking
CF: High/very high
CD: High/very high
Marking/tight marking
hold up ball

Pref line up would be: Veloso, Diego, Vargas, SR-Philps, Robinho, Vagner L

---------- Post added at 01:16 PM ---------- Previous post was yesterday at 02:57 PM ----------

So... any tips on some tactic tweaks?