Workington Reds- The fight to get to the big time


Feb 3, 2012
Reaction score
I am going to start a save with workington, i did one last year and managed to make it to the prem and win the fa cup in 11 years and i want to try it on fm 13 which i think is harder than fm 12. please follow
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This is my budget, very little! i would have to sign players on non contract terms mostly. I am media predicted 16th so my aim is a run at the play offs
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After all the formailties i looked at the squad and realised i had a small but effective squad but a squad that needed improving Kyle may,Mark boyd and jordan connerton are my best players
So i had made all my transfers and sorted the team out, i am confindent of staying up but other than that i had no idea what to expect in the blue square north this year. attached below are my transfer and tatics, i think i did well on a shoestring budget.
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played the first game, good result! i'm worried about the size of squad and the fitness of some of the players, might revisit the transfer market. End of month update coming soon.
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Good start! i finished the transfers and have signed some good players but one player stands out, my welsh regen shaun baker, he is according to my scout 5 star abilty and is only 15! The games went well, i'm not too fussed about the chester game because from past experiences they are tough to play against. overall happy with the first month
Quite poor month really, as well as the screenshots i lost to corby 3-0, i was so annoyed i forgot to screenshot it.