there a lot of bad players, just pick any player un BSS or BSN and put him in the premier league and he will be the worst player
it completely depends on what team you are and wether or not he will fit into your tactics
amauri & adriano from inter were my worst signing both cost £10m and didnt score a goal:( sold adriano to lyon for £9m
Lee Bowyer, he just destroyed my team spirt at Basingstoke, but on the plus side he agreed for his contract to be mutually terminated
Caradozo from benfica :S, everyone says he's amazing hes played 11 for me and had 3 sub apps and hes palying rubbish
i think is diego from bremen i bought 25M
dont try to buy him
Federico Laurito was mine he rarely scored for me payed 12 mllion sold 2 Westham for 2million just 12month later
i dont think there is a worst player in the game and it depends on different peoples games as diegos quality in my game and have all the major clubs after him but he won leave his club
id say maybe change this thread to who was your worst purchase and why...
Dont know about the worst player but my worst signing has to be Roland Linz for £4 Million
Bojan cost me 25m pounds and for 3 consecutive years he only manage to score not more than 11 goals.

Pogrebyak is the cheaper version of Bojan with same total goals.

Cardozo is allright, he score some and easily sold for more than twice the price.