Youtube can make you rich

holy ****, but how?????? i dont understand how it works, does youtube pay them?
Natalie Tran has it so easy. Stand there in a bikini top, draw over yourself, and wait for dozens of *****/sexually frustrated males to view and subscribe in hope that she'll upload more videos of herself in skimpy clothes. So easy, most mildy attractive girls with a good body could do that.

No idea why people like Shane Dawson's bs, zzzz.

Ryan Higa's vids are cool though. (H)
Natalie Tran has it so easy. Stand there in a bikini top, draw over yourself, and wait for dozens of *****/sexually frustrated males to view and subscribe in hope that she'll upload more videos of herself in skimpy clothes.
That's what I do too. Sadly I have very little subscribers D:
Natalie Tran looks hot:$I'll have to check her videos out :wub:
Dont know why people like Smosh,Shane Dawson etc.....their jokes are not funny and they just act like a bunch of retards
I pretty much hate most of em and especially that Fred guy,plain ******....Dont really understand why people find em funny,all the nerds do for some reason
All the highest sub'd ones are just not funny. I only Sub to ones that appeal to me
Wow, I might start one, make some gash.
Pretty much same hear too...I hardly sub anyways,cant be arsed to do it,only sub to guys who make something which is informative or relevant
Ray William Johnson :wub:
I love that guy :D
I subbed to him because unlike most other peoples videos his are consistently funny.
=3 is brilliant.

RWJ should get his own TV show.