Liverpool Vs Chelsea

How can you guys call yourself Liverpool fans? You want Liverpool to lose? What is wrong with you, just think, if United win the title for the whole of next year they will know the only reason they got it is because of us. That would be epic. We can still get 4th place and we are on great form so we have every chance. There is no way this is going to be 4-1 or 5-2 to Chelsea like some are saying, it's at Anfield for God sake, we would never concede 4 or 5 at home.. I'm thinking Liverpool 1-0 or maybe a 2-2 draw.

my thoughts exactly.
0-0 for me. I can't see a goal unless Stevie pops up with a scramer.
liverpool reserves 0 cheslki 2

i hope rafa proves me wrong and gerrard, carragher & co play outta their skins but i can't see it happening.
7-0 to Liverpool .... ..... well it may seem silly now but I expect you all to hail me if it comes true :p
I think Liverpool's motivation for this match will be greatly affected by the result of their semi-final versus Atletico. If they win that, I think Rafa will prioritise the cup. Could be wrong though.
Liverpool must play to win IMO.
This match is equally important for both teams.
I agree. This could be the match off the season, but i still think chelsea will run with the win and the title.