Pro Evolution Soccer 2011

Will buy both as always. PES was my favourite until 2008 when I played FIFA as much as PES. This year I've hardly touched PES :( Really hoping it improves a lot this year.
Knowing EA, I doubt they'll take the extra effort. But even if they did, they'd probably sell it to you as "DLC".
It will get in there at some point. Most EA game features are stolen from other games, the good ones anyway.
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As far as I can tell, Pro is just a football game made by a bunch of Koreans that don't really know **** about football. Fifa for life baby.

/Fifafanboy comment
I recieved an infraction for this post. It was a personal opinion on the game which was further elaborated on afterwards in a debate. Fair enough I baited some noobs by putting "/Fifafanboy comment" on the end, but I hardly think it was worth an infraction.

Funnily enough |) the same person I had this debate/arguement with is the same person who infracted me. It's funny that he debated and argued with me before giving me the infraction. Tbh I don't give a **** about infractions, I'm not the most active on here anyway. I just think its pathetic that if you go against a mod's opinion they search for any little petty thing on which they can infract you.

And I'm guessing anyone that says something bad about PES will get an infraction? Lol. Word of advice guys, don't dare to post if you have an opinion that differs from Lee's.

EDIT: Seems you gave me the infraction before the debate, fair enough, I still think it's a poor thing to infract.
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I recieved an infraction for this post. It was a personal opinion on the game which was further elaborated on afterwards in a debate. Fair enough I baited some noobs by putting "/Fifafanboy comment" on the end, but I hardly think it was worth an infraction.

Funnily enough |) the same person I had this debate/arguement with is the same person who infracted me. It's funny that he debated and argued with me before giving me the infraction. Tbh I don't give a **** about infractions, I'm not the most active on here anyway. I just think its pathetic that if you go against a mod's opinion they search for any little petty thing on which they can infract you.

And I'm guessing anyone that says something bad about PES will get an infraction? Lol. Word of advice guys, don't dare to post if you have an opinion that differs from Lee's.

EDIT: Seems you gave me the infraction before the debate, fair enough, I still think it's a poor thing to infract.
Seems fair enough to me, in fact i think you got of lightly baring in mind you could of been infracted for a few things:

Pointless post.
Ignorance. (the game is made by Japanese not Koreans)

And you say they (people who make Pro Evo) know **** about football yet thats still a **** site more than the Canadians who make FIFA know, Canadians who will openly admit that they needed to copy the match engine of Pro Evo on the PS2 in order to improve Fifa to what it is today.
I always buy both games as i think both of them have their good points and bad points. Stadium editor will be a great addition and i am looking forward to using it. Still waiting for either title to bring a referee mode into it. Anyone know when the PES demo comes out???. Personally, I hope that they make both games harder, I mean, I dont want to sound like a geek but I think both are painfully easy once you realise how to play them, even on the top levels. Looking forward to them coming out though :)
I always buy both games as i think both of them have their good points and bad points. Stadium editor will be a great addition and i am looking forward to using it. Still waiting for either title to bring a referee mode into it. Anyone know when the PES demo comes out???. Personally, I hope that they make both games harder, I mean, I dont want to sound like a geek but I think both are painfully easy once you realise how to play them, even on the top levels. Looking forward to them coming out though :)

That's the same with every game. If you realise how to play it then you become better at it. No matter how they start it once you've figured it out, it will always be easier.
I always buy both games as i think both of them have their good points and bad points. Stadium editor will be a great addition and i am looking forward to using it. Still waiting for either title to bring a referee mode into it. Anyone know when the PES demo comes out???. Personally, I hope that they make both games harder, I mean, I dont want to sound like a geek but I think both are painfully easy once you realise how to play them, even on the top levels. Looking forward to them coming out though :)
Demo will probably be out next month some time.

I agree with you about Pro Evo being too easy, it was way too easy last year, even on the hardest difficulty i was winning every game by more than 5 goals. It needs to go back to the PS2 days and make a really good simulation where even the middle setting is hard to beat.
Demo will probably be out next month some time.

I agree with you about Pro Evo being too easy, it was way too easy last year, even on the hardest difficulty i was winning every game by more than 5 goals. It needs to go back to the PS2 days and make a really good simulation where even the middle setting is hard to beat.

Agreed :) Those were the days. But can you remember Adriano on PES 6?? you could just shoot from anywhere at any angle on either foot and it would still fly in the top corner lol, still a great game though
Will be getting PES probably, but it will never beat 'This is Football'!
That's the same with every game. If you realise how to play it then you become better at it. No matter how they start it once you've figured it out, it will always be easier.

Yeh, I see your point but if they made the game harder then you could start on a lower level and then as you get better and more used to the game you can increase the difficulty and therefore you will only start finding it easy towards the end when the next game is out anyway. I pretty much realised how to play pro evo a few weeks in and then found myself winning every game comfortably. Just my opinion tho :)

---------- Post added at 01:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:31 PM ----------

Will be getting PES probably, but it will never beat 'This is Football'!

Great Game!! Especially when pressing the R2 button and you do a two footed tackle :) Seriously good game though, it was quality taking a school team to the the premier league
Yeh, I see your point but if they made the game harder then you could start on a lower level and then as you get better and more used to the game you can increase the difficulty and therefore you will only start finding it easy towards the end when the next game is out anyway. I pretty much realised how to play pro evo a few weeks in and then found myself winning every game comfortably. Just my opinion tho :)

---------- Post added at 01:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:31 PM ----------

Great Game!! Especially when pressing the R2 button and you do a two footed tackle :) Seriously good game though, it was quality taking a school team to the the premier league

And just make the referee blind, and dive. :wub:
can see mixed opinions
but i'll stick to the best
btw, form the vids i've seen of pro so far, it looks like FIFA are going to have to work a lot
ps: my opinion. if you disagree, convince me wrong
ps2: its hard to convince me wrong so good luck
I recieved an infraction for this post. It was a personal opinion on the game which was further elaborated on afterwards in a debate. Fair enough I baited some noobs by putting "/Fifafanboy comment" on the end, but I hardly think it was worth an infraction.

That post was the equivalent of going into a thread about Man Utd's Debts and simply saying. Man Utd are ****. Fergie knows nothing. etc...

See how it was pointless yet? You shouldn't need to be prompted to elaborate on your inaccurate and xenophobic comments.

And I'm guessing anyone that says something bad about PES will get an infraction? Lol. Word of advice guys, don't dare to post if you have an opinion that differs from Lee's.

Word of advice, next time you can't respond to our debate with any reasonable answers don't just make an emo post moaning about a just infraction.

If you have something bad to say about PES then feel free, I let your other posts in this thread slide because you at least made an attempt to be reasonable and explain your points but even those were pretty poor and you managed to explain nothing.

PS. I'm still awaiting your response to my previous post.
Good thing we didnt pick you as a moderator then, eh?
Don't remember putting myself foward. I'm not mod worthy but getting an infraction for that? With no warning? I felt that was a bit over the top, would also be interested to know if everyone who made a comment like mine recieved the same.

That post was the equivalent of going into a thread about Man Utd's Debts and simply saying. Man Utd are ****. Fergie knows nothing. etc...

How is that pointless, if thats what I think the cause was then that's what I think, you are intitled to respond on how stupid you think my comment is but to say it is pointless is wrong because it does have a point (whether it is wrong or right isn't the case). Here's an example of a pointless post: "PES IS ****" or "I NEVER BUY PES" etc, I said PES was bad and gave a reason.

See how it was pointless yet? You shouldn't need to be prompted to elaborate on your inaccurate and xenophobic comments.

I dunno what xenophobic means and I'm not bothered enough to look it up

Word of advice, next time you can't respond to our debate with any reasonable answers don't just make an emo post moaning about a just infraction.

I didn't even see your last reply, you probably took too long to make it.
If you have something bad to say about PES then feel free,
Ironically, I just did that and you infracted me for it.
I let your other posts in this thread slide because you at least made an attempt to be reasonable and explain your points but even those were pretty poor and you managed to explain nothing.
Your opinion, I remember someone commenting on what I said saying that I was correct so, each to there own
PS. I'm still awaiting your response to my previous post.
I looked at your post and I can't really be bothered to debate anymore, we are just going round in circles, you're telling me provide facts, when you yourself are not providing any facts to disprove what I am saying. As I've said before, it all comes down to personal preference, you obviously like PES I obviously like Fifa, difference is your a mod and you infracted me for stating my opinion

Can't really be assed to carry this on, argueing with a mod already puts me at a disadvantage, I just wanted to say my bit, I don't like this game, I think the people behind it need to do more research on the game of football so it feels less like I'm playing a pinball game everytime I'm forced to play it. I hope there is something there for you to infract Lee, cya.

---------- Post added at 01:36 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:29 AM ----------

Seems fair enough to me, in fact i think you got of lightly baring in mind you could of been infracted for a few things:

Pointless post.
Ignorance. (the game is made by Japanese not Koreans)

And you say they (people who make Pro Evo) know **** about football yet thats still a **** site more than the Canadians who make FIFA know, Canadians who will openly admit that they needed to copy the match engine of Pro Evo on the PS2 in order to improve Fifa to what it is today.
Lol. Ignorance can be infracted? Wow. That's the only one I admit to on the list anyway, I didn't really know who specifically made the game, didn't care, just thought it sounded better with Koreans in it. To be honest that post was a little more than a joke.

As for the last paragraph, if it's true fair enough.
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I'm not fussed about you justifying all of your points but I'm extremely interested in what football related mistakes the development team over at Konami have made that gives you the right to be ignorant & racist towards them. Surely the fact that they might of made Hleb a bit over-rated on one iteration isn't enough to completely condemn a nation & development team who have been making pretty fine football games for close to 15 years.

PS. Being a moderator has nothing to do with it and you know it.
I'm not fussed about you justifying all of your points but I'm extremely interested in what football related mistakes the development team over at Konami have made that gives you the right to be ignorant & racist towards them. Surely the fact that they might of made Hleb a bit over-rated on one iteration isn't enough to completely condemn a nation & development team who have been making pretty fine football games for close to 15 years.

PS. Being a moderator has nothing to do with it and you know it.

I wouldn't bother Lee. If there is one thing this forum has caught me, Idiots cannot be reasoned with.

Your valid points and answers are being responded with jargon.

I do love a Lee debate though, can't wait for Liverpool defeat threads this year.

On Topic

After watching the gameplay, it doesn't look like it has differed too much from last year, which is upsetting.

Like Sean said though, you can only judge the game when you play it. I still hold the game in high regard.
I'm not fussed about you justifying all of your points but I'm extremely interested in what football related mistakes the development team over at Konami have made that gives you the right to be ignorant & racist towards them. Surely the fact that they might of made Hleb a bit over-rated on one iteration isn't enough to completely condemn a nation & development team who have been making pretty fine football games for close to 15 years.

PS. Being a moderator has nothing to do with it and you know it.
Alright I wasn't planning to make another comment but I don't like the accusations of racism. I wasn't being racist, I didn't really know who made the game and that first post was little more than a joke. The player stats are not my big issue, it just doesn't feel like I'm playing football when I play that game. I don't play it enough (or rather I haven't played it recently enough) to give you specific points on what "football related mistakes" they have made.

Anyway, I don't have a big issue with you anymore, the main thing at first is I thought you infracted me after the debate, since I only saw it after, but turns out you infracted me first. I still think that it wasn't infraction worthy, but I admit it wasn't the greatest post in the world, so meh.

And about your "PS." that brings me onto the next quote...
I wouldn't bother Lee. If there is one thing this forum has caught me, Idiots cannot be reasoned with.

Your valid points and answers are being responded with jargon.

On Topic

After watching the gameplay, it doesn't look like it has differed too much from last year, which is upsetting.

Like Sean said though, you can only judge the game when you play it. I still hold the game in high regard.
This is where my disadvantage of argueing with a mod comes in, every other mod will come and side with you, apparently I'm an idiot and talking jargon, how? Apart from my first post, which was admitedly poor, I don't see any jargon or idiocy from me.

On Topic: I agree with Kris. Except I don't hold the game in high regard, I dont really see how you can. It's a competition between 2 names, FIFA and PES. It's not like a FPS where there are like 50 different names, in which case you could hold like, 10, in high regard.
Alright I wasn't planning to make another comment but I don't like the accusations of racism. I wasn't being racist, I didn't really know who made the game and that first post was little more than a joke. The player stats are not my big issue, it just doesn't feel like I'm playing football when I play that game. I don't play it enough (or rather I haven't played it recently enough) to give you specific points on what "football related mistakes" they have made.

I agree with Kris. Except I don't hold the game in high regard, I dont really see how you can. It's a competition between 2 names, FIFA and PES. It's not like a FPS where there are like 50 different names, in which case you could hold like, 10, in high regard.

Just like you I don't hold PES 2010 (or 2008 or 2009) in high regard either, it's a poor game with many faults. But just because the gameplay doesn't feel right, it doesn't mean they know nothing about football. Did they suddenly forget everything they know about football during the 3 years of Next Gen development? Or have they just struggled to adapt to the advancing technical requirements and the quality of gameplay (and entire experience) that is expected thanks to the developers at EA Canada.

So the passing might be analog (if you haven't learnt to use the manual passing), the players were only limited to 16-directions, shocking goalkeepers who love to parry the ball, poor defensive AI, and whole host of other problems. But none of these are because they don't understand Football itself.
I love the Be a Pro mode in PES ( I know its not called Be A Pro in it cant remember the name ) But I find it a good game to play in my mates house but if I'm playing on my own I find it a bit boring, I think I just love the authenticity of Fifa with all the real teams and leagues but dont get me wrong Fifa has many faults with the main one a dull Manager Mode after 2 seasons