When do you start to lose interest in a save and how do you continue?

I get bored by season 6, the AI is woeful at squad building. they do everything by reputatin, that really needs to be changed for fm12
At the minute my saves dont last more than 2 or 3 in game weeks! Ive gotten seriously bored of it lately, just cant find a save that will amuse me like my others.

My Everton saves are fun until my team got second season syndrome and got me sacked. I then went to Stade Rennais for a save and im in 2017 and starting to lose interest in it now. I also have a Hoffenheim, im in 2014 but got really bored of that also.

So, i could go on for years in a save, as long as i can still be amused. But at the minute, finding it difficult to complete a season.
Meh, playing with Burnley, season 2020/21. Im was bored for last 3 seasons. At the begining of 2019/20 season I sold few first team players and lots of 'promising regens' who can't be good enough for me, or having low flair. Yea, I hate regens with low flair. Especially if its a winger or striker ( Alexis Sanchez and 10 more youngsters).

Won "only CS, WCC and league, lost against United in UCL, didn't make through 5th round of FA-cup and lost in semi f against Birmingham. New season, lost CS against L'pool(this all happened in past 2-3 months). So im begining to gain interes for this save again, as I need to find players again. But this time I won't spend more than 10m per player like I did before. And also, I want to make profit with Burnley, my finance went from rich to okay cuz of wages ( nearly 10m/pm) and new stadium.

What im trying to say, do something you've never done before. I've seen on FM blog, someone is playing transfer embargo save with Man Utd, that means you can only sign player who comes from your academy. That sounds like fun.
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I'd suggest a journeyman career or taking a club from the bottom rung all the way to the top. There'll always be a challenge.
I completely agree with those saying the game with regens isn't the same. I guess it's simply because we build relationships with the real players by watching them play, by managing them it brings a sense of realism about and you really feel you're apart of the club. But with the regens you don't have that obviously, there's no relationship at all.
If you guys miss the real players just find players who play in the same position for your team and rename them
With my career save I'm now in 2019 and not bored at all. Started with a 3rd league team in germany, got them promoted to Bundesliga, then took a Stuttgart offer. Now I'm trying to catch up on Italy / England / Spain in the UEFA rankings and develop good german regens for the national team. I think I'm not bored yet because I don't use FMRTE or other cheats, because I don't play with teams that have 500 gazillion € of money available to just buy everybody possible and because I still have goals left to achieve (only won german cup once so far, no championship or european title yet).

So yeah as things are going, I might easily make it to 2030 at least :)

Also if you are bored, try playing a network game with a buddy. I'm playing one where I am Braunschweig (german 3rd league) and my friend is Jena (3rd league as well) - we are currently in 2nd season and it's fun to watch him struggle to not get fired every time :)
Once the board start accepting bids on your behalf, and players refusing to sign new contracts without minimum fee release causes, which are in turn met by bigger clubs, very frustrating!
Currently I'm in 2014 which is the furthest I have ever got and I'm not bored.
Hello! I started off as Man City which went extremely well, winning the league and champions league in the process. After 2 years, I decided to move clubs for a different football manager experience and luckily as I resigned from Man City, Guardiola went to Man City and I got the Barcelona job! I am in love with my Barcelona job now and have been playing it for about 4 years now. But, I am thinking, after winning every competition possible as being part in the Spanish league, to leave Barcelona.. as much as it would hurt me... and join a German, Italian or French big club and attempt to win the top leagues in those countries. Cheers :)
I always say when starting a new game you need to set personal goals and club goals etc etc etc... you need to motivate yourself, we cannot do it for you... (said this over and over)

the same thing applies at a certain date in the game, try something new, manage a club in Sweden or Brazil something you have never done before and as I said, motivate yourself...

it can get boring having like £40m every year to spend on players cause 90% of you will buy the same players save in save out...

have fun with the game, set yourself challenges every year, I started with Le Mans (Ligue 2) won the league then could not buy a win (for the 1st time in my life) so I quit after 8 games (managed 2 draws though) and signed up with Lokomotiv Moscow...

having a blast there :) beat Zenit in my 1st game in charge 4:2 :) its fun and challenging, set yourself challenges.. start having fun with Fm again as most of us get bored of it by this time of year and start moaning about things..

have fun, thats why we play it!
when im on lower league saves i stay for ages my most recent lower league save at charlton is 10 seasons in, though im taking a break(cant get my tactic to work :p ) now im at real madrid winning everything, first about 5 points clear 10 games to go 1/4 finals of the champions league final of the spanish cup and im starting to get bored....
Currently in the 2014/15 season. I led England to the Euro Cup, Confederations Cup and World Cup in 2012,2013 and 2014. Me and Arsene Wenger did a swap of jobs, but now arsenal are amazing cos of their youth talent coming through. Aaron Ramsey is world class in my save, even better than Cesc. Furthest I've ever been in save, but I'm thinking of starting a Journeyman save.
I generally just start an England save and see where it leads me when I lose interest.
Im the same, I tend to get bored of teams very easily, I think its just the team in general.
I quit my Birmingham team after a season, because I couldn't be arsed. I took over Chelsea and I am resigning at the end of the season, because I want a different challenge. Might take over as Newcastle manager as they are struggling in the Championship. It seems to be the same teams you get bored with.
First season 3 months in then im bored out of my mind because i see a match on tv and want to be that team!
i got to 2022 with sheffield wednesday before i took the club as far as i could, but i struggled to find a game to "obsess" myself with.
You could try winning the world cup with a national team that isnt so big for example, belgium, ukraine, russia or try with an african team.
My game always seems to crash after about 4 seasons so...

I do like playing with realistic squads but it's good having developed a team with loads of regens too.
My game always seems to crash after about 4 seasons so...

I do like playing with realistic squads but it's good having developed a team with loads of regens too.

Developing regens is the main fun for me in the game. In my save, I'm now in 2019 and it's my 3rd season at Stuttgart. In my starting eleven I have now 5 regens from my youth team playing regularly. First Stuttgart season I finished 3rd in the league and won the national cup, next season finished 2nd in the league but dropped out in group stage of the champions league - now in 3rd season, I'm currently leading the league in mid-season and I won 4 out of 4 champions league group stage matches so far, one of them was a win over Inter :)