Arsenal's Jack Wilshere Arrested

i cant and wont take a lecture on law (something i studied for long enough for two years) from someone with the name "pimpdollar".

If your a witness to a crime, you make yourself known to the police, they take your details and a quick statement. they then contact you and ask you to come to the station if the case continues. they dont arrest you. ever

They way it sounds, Jack has been arrested for being an acomplise (spelling) if he knew the person involved and there for the police take a view on it as he played an active role in the incident.

I have witnessed a car crash, an assault and a arson attack over the last few years and have never once been arrested just to back up my point.
dont be so condescending. his username has no bearing on what he is saying
Wait what does my name have to do with anything. You have no idea why i chose this name ??? shows how shallow and very quick to judge you are
**** Being a witness doesn't mean you give your self in ok you studied it but has it ever happened to you NO me YES

i couldnt care if it had happened to the pope my dear friend, simple fact it you do not get arrested for being a witness no matter how bad the crime is. you most have done something more than just witness an incident. also you do not give yourself in if your a witness, the law does state if your a witness you as a citizen has a duty of reporting it to the police, they then take a statement etc
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it sounds to me he may have been arrested for being connected to the crime.
The Spurs fan who made this was probably rubbing his hands together and smiling thinking one of his rival clubs players was in ****.

The title is misleading, witnessess often get taken in to give evidence to what happened, nothing new.
**** Being a witness doesn't mean you give your self in ok you studied it but has it ever happened to you NO me YES

Since when does first hand account reliably back up an argument? I wasn't around in World War Two, but I'm pretty sure if someone tried to convince me the Nazis used magical candy floss as weapons I could prove him wrong.

Wait what does my name have to do with anything. You have no idea why i chose this name ??? shows how shallow and very quick to judge you are

I doubt anyone either knows or cares why you chose that name.

The title is misleading, witnessess often get taken in to give evidence to what happened, nothing new.

Yeah, taken in. Not arrested. There's something more to this than meets the eye, I think.
Witnesses don't get arrested and then released on bail though, do they?
Since when does first hand account reliably back up an argument? I wasn't around in World War Two, but I'm pretty sure if someone tried to convince me the Nazis used magical candy floss as weapons I could prove him wrong.

I doubt anyone either knows or cares why you chose that name.

Yeah, taken in. Not arrested. There's something more to this than meets the eye, I think.

exactly you said it your self i doubt any one knows so why would he say from someone with the name pimpdollar .... and please do not get involved where it does not concern you
exactly you said it your self i doubt any one knows so why would he say from someone with the name pimpdollar .... and please do not get involved where it does not concern you

I don't want to theorise on why he said that, although I imagine he has a pretty good point. And in case you hadn't noticed, this is an internet forum. Forums are designed specifically for people to "get involved where it doesn't concern them". Sorry to burst your bubble mate. Still, I rather think we should get back to the topic at hand, eh?
.... Slyly hate the fact that your right .... your still a **** though
There is an apparent "third" england playe that has got an injuction or whatever its called preventing the media speaking ut about what they did. I woder who it is...
Stay on topic, no one gives a **** if you went to Oxford and got a masters in Law, or you are a partner in a top law firm, no one cares.
Stay on topic, no one gives a **** if you went to Oxford and got a masters in Law, or you are a partner in a top law firm, no one cares.

i didn't say anyone did give a **** as you put and technically i was on topic by stating that the story was missleading and there is more to it because you do not get arrested then released on bail for being a witness which the media statement says.
i didn't say anyone did give a **** as you put and technically i was on topic by stating that the story was missleading and there is more to it because you do not get arrested then released on bail for being a witness which the media statement says.

That was your 1st point, yes, leading to it being taken off topic, and the rest of your posts in the thread are irrelevant to the origional story. The same can be said about many people on this thread, I am not just singling you out.
i didn't say anyone did give a **** as you put and technically i was on topic by stating that the story was missleading and there is more to it because you do not get arrested then released on bail for being a witness which the media statement says.

Ryan - I study English at university but I don't go around telling everyone how to spell or anything similar, do I?

Here's a thought - try listening to someone else's opinion before you write it off completely just because of their username.

Sorry for going off topic Dunc.
I am going to e-slap the next person that goes off topic.
point taken.

sorry for straying off topic, i was just simply trying to state that you dont get arrested for being a witness.